posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:22 PM
So I walked into school today to learn that the power had gone out, I was thinking oh no big deal and all... but I was wrong. Nothing, and I mean
absolutely nothing had power except for the intercom which we were told only had 30 minutes of 'battery' left...... Our lyceum full of computers was
shutdown for 2 hours because after the power came on they had to do some checks to make sure nothing was ruined. And as all this was goin down I was
wondering what would happen if there was a disaster drill or an intruder they would have no way of communicating that to us. And while the hour of no
power teachers just let everyone wander around and do whatever we werent taught anything (good thing!
) but it had a New Orleans feel to it....
Also when we have disaster drills (fire, earthquake, lockdowns, etc...) they are absolutely dumb...... For a fire or earthquake we are supposed to go
to our 2nd period which makes no sense at all.......... I'm just frustrated and was wondering others opinions/experiences on school security...
(obviously isnt good with all of the school shootings lately)