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Was 9/11 actually 1960s Operation Northwoods?

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posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Certainly looks to be the same planned operation finally put into action on 9/11. JFK refused to allow Operation Northwoods to be implemented.

Excellent source of material, regarding 9/11 with emphasis on the Pentagon, is the following book by Peter Tiradera 9-11 Coup Against America! The Pentagon Analysis. Dr. Tiradera's book has reprinted the declassified Operation Northwoods in Appendix F. There are also details of how the military EC-130 (EC-130H) cargo plane became a converted psyops aircraft remote control flying of commericial airliners and jamming radar (FAA radar screens included), including those models alleged to have been used on 9/11 in the "official" version of events.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Thanks for posting this.

I find it at odds with Condoleeza Rice's statement:

I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile"

While already incredible considering the '99 report, your link shows that despite the best efforts to convince us nobody in government spends time analysing these things, the reality is quite the opposite.

To assume they don't try their best to cover every base, is to assume they do something else with all that time, all those government employee's and agencies..

EDIT: to fix broken link and:

At the bottom of the first link, a result of "missing" these intelligence reports was the creation of the Homeland Security Department?

So now, there's a department specifically looking at all the intelligence reports from years ago, correlating them together and reviewing them. For the first time in the history of the US of A!.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by adjay]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by adjay
Thanks for posting this.

I find it at odds with Condoleeza Rice's statement:

I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile"

While already incredible considering the '99 report, your link shows that despite the best efforts to convince us nobody in government spends time analysing these things, the reality is quite the opposite.

You are welcome, and thank you for taking the time to review it, adjay.

One of the most incredible acts, taking place within 72 hours after 9/11, is how such an incompetent bunch of high level bureaucrats claiming, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people....", could positively identify not one, not two, not three, but 18 (then arbitrarily added another bogus name for a total of 19 within a few days) "extremist Muslim" names never appearing on any flight manifests. Just how did 19 people board 4 different commercial planes without anyone noticing they weren't on any flight manifests? Passenger names are placed on check-off lists being checked prior to and during boarding commercial airliners. Those lists are filed with the airline and the FAA.

There could not be any positive identification because DNA is all that could provide positive ID. The officials did not have any from any alleged people on any of the 4 alleged commercial planes. It doesn't take a great deal of heat to destroy the properties of DNA. Thus, preventing positive ID with DNA. Plus, in order to make positive ID, surviving family members have to be tested for DNA ID match.

Add to this the discovery of at least 7 to 9 of the erroneously named "dead hijackers" found alive in other countries by BBC and other investigative sources, and it becomes very obvious 9/11 was not carried out as touted by the highest levels of US goverment bureacracy in the "official" report. The FBI had to publicly admit high level bureaucrats misnamed at least 7 to 9 people to the media less than 72 hours after 9/11 took place.

Prior to that, "extremist Muslims" plus "Osama bin Laden" were being named as suspects without any proof per Rice's own disinformation of they knew nothing. Then, to make matters worse for themselves, they concocted the disinformation that Hussein, one of bin Laden's bitterest foes, was a co-conspirator in 9/11. That would never have happened as much as they hated one another and were completely at 180 degrees of separation on political and religious ideologies.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:13 PM

could positively identify not one, not two, not three, but 18 (then arbitrarily added another bogus name for a total of 19 within a few days) "extremist Muslim" names never appearing on any flight manifests. Just how did 19 people board 4 different commercial planes without anyone noticing they weren't on any flight manifests?

The only problem with this statement is this....the hijackers names WERE on the manifests. You are thinking of the VICTIMS lists that were all over the media. Time and time again that fact has been pointed out on this board and yet, someone always posts that the "hijackers werent on the manifests".

There could not be any positive identification because DNA is all that could provide positive ID. The officials did not have any from any alleged people on any of the 4 alleged commercial planes. It doesn't take a great deal of heat to destroy the properties of DNA. Thus, preventing positive ID with DNA. Plus, in order to make positive ID, surviving family members have to be tested for DNA ID match.

Umm...nope. DNA can be gathered from any one of a number of personal items around the house (toothbrushes etc...), or donated blood at a bloodbank, or surgical specimens or maybe one of your kin DOES give a sample for comparison.

Add to this the discovery of at least 7 to 9 of the erroneously named "dead hijackers" found alive in other countries by BBC and other investigative sources, and it becomes very obvious 9/11 was not carried out as touted by the highest levels of US goverment bureacracy in the "official" report. The FBI had to publicly admit high level bureaucrats misnamed at least 7 to 9 people to the media less than 72 hours after 9/11 took place

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:13 PM

could positively identify not one, not two, not three, but 18 (then arbitrarily added another bogus name for a total of 19 within a few days) "extremist Muslim" names never appearing on any flight manifests. Just how did 19 people board 4 different commercial planes without anyone noticing they weren't on any flight manifests?

The only problem with this statement is this....the hijackers names WERE on the manifests. You are thinking of the VICTIMS lists that were all over the media. Time and time again that fact has been pointed out on this board and yet, someone always posts that the "hijackers werent on the manifests".

There could not be any positive identification because DNA is all that could provide positive ID. The officials did not have any from any alleged people on any of the 4 alleged commercial planes. It doesn't take a great deal of heat to destroy the properties of DNA. Thus, preventing positive ID with DNA. Plus, in order to make positive ID, surviving family members have to be tested for DNA ID match.

Umm...nope. DNA can be gathered from any one of a number of personal items around the house (toothbrushes etc...), or donated blood at a bloodbank, or surgical specimens or maybe one of your kin DOES give a sample for comparison.

Add to this the discovery of at least 7 to 9 of the erroneously named "dead hijackers" found alive in other countries by BBC and other investigative sources, and it becomes very obvious 9/11 was not carried out as touted by the highest levels of US goverment bureacracy in the "official" report. The FBI had to publicly admit high level bureaucrats misnamed at least 7 to 9 people to the media less than 72 hours after 9/11 took place

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

The only problem with this statement is this....the hijackers names WERE on the manifests. You are thinking of the VICTIMS lists that were all over the media. Time and time again that fact has been pointed out on this board and yet, someone always posts that the "hijackers werent on the manifests".

There were no alleged hijacker names on any of the flight manifests. Therefore, bureuacrats could not possibly have known any names or which flights each one was reported to have allegedly boarded.

I find it highly odd they had not a clue anything was going to happen, but suddenly bureaucrats contended quite rapidly they had found "evidence" to accuse first 18, and then 19 people, within less than 72 hours after the fact. Then had to publicly admit later, 7 to 9 of the accusations were bogus, and those people were located alive in other countries.

Umm...nope. DNA can be gathered from any one of a number of personal items around the house (toothbrushes etc...), or donated blood at a bloodbank, or surgical specimens or maybe one of your kin DOES give a sample for comparison.

People can gather all the DNA they wish. Unfortunately, no positive ID will be made until a family member is found to test for comparison. If people don't have any type of legitimate legal identification (paper or otherwise), no one will know how to locate family members for testing positive IDs, particularly when people use false names.

If the case is finding DNA sample but not being able to test the body thought to be the provider, there still is no positive ID done. That's under the condition someone is not using an alias that negates positive ID by DNA not taken directly from the body carrying the DNA. Just because an object with DNA is in someone's possession does not prove that DNA belongs to that particular person.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by OrionStars]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:59 PM

There were no alleged hijacker names on any of the flight manifests. Therefore, bureuacrats could not possibly have known any names or which flights each one was reported to have allegedly boarded.

Oh really?

The Boston Globe reported on its web site Thursday that it had obtained a copy of the complete manifest list of the planes hijacked from Boston. The Globe said according to the manifest, Mohamed Atta, one of the suspected terrorists, was assigned seat 8D in business class on American Airlines Flight 11, directly across the aisle from Hollywood producer David Angell and his wife, Lynn, who were in seats 8A and 8B, respectively. Seated next to Atta in seat 8G was Abdul Alomari. FBI investigators have searched Alomari's home in Vero Beach.

Then there is this...

Among the human remains painstakingly sorted from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites of Sept. 11 are those of nine of the hijackers. The FBI has held them for months, and no one seems to know what should be done with them. It's a politically and emotionally charged question for the government, which eventually must decide how to dispose of some of the most despised men in American history....Families of the airplanes' passengers and crews and those who died within the Pentagon provided DNA samples, typically on toothbrushes or hairbrushes, to aid with identification. The remains that didn't match any of the samples were ruled to be the terrorists, said Chris Kelly, spokesman for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, which did the DNA work. The nine sets of remains matched the number of hijackers believed to be on the two planes.

I find it highly odd they had not a clue anything was going to happen, but suddenly bureaucrats contended quite rapidly they had found "evidence" to accuse first 18, and then 19 people, within less than 72 hours after the fact.

Gee, we had at least TWO airline maintenance calls from the hijacked planes that gave the seat numbers and names of the terrorists from the ONBOARD manifests.........

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:04 PM
The hijacker names were left off the VICTIM lists because they were not victims. They WERE on the manifests, because they bought tickets. All ticketed and stand by passengers are on the manifest for every flight.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

There were no alleged hijacker names on any of the flight manifests. Therefore, bureuacrats could not possibly have known any names or which flights each one was reported to have allegedly boarded.

Oh really?

According to the following and other websites of those involved in independent investigation of 9/11, yes, really.

For an investigator of a criminal airplane crash, the first source of inquiry would be to study the list of passengers (or flight manifest). On the base of such a list, further investigation becomes possible, such as tracing the passengers' addresses, contacting their families, tracing their credit card payments, etc. Shortly after 9/11, mass media began publishing lists of the passengers who crashed with the four planes. At least four variations of one such list (the passengers of AA 11) have been identified by Gerard Holmgren (see ) each with differing numbers of passengers and partly different names.None of these published lists include Arab names. Yet the FBI and the airlines have until this day refused to publish the original passenger lists, which presumably were the source for these multiple lists published by the media as well as the source for their own claims on the hijackers' identities. An FBI press officer who declined to identify herself, told the author in a telephone conversation on July 23, 2004 that the FBI is not required to publish the passenger lists and did not explain why the FBI would not do so.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by OrionStars

Orion...where is the manifest that backs your claim? As posted above (and many times in this forum) The Boston Globe obtained a manifest and published it.

The highjackers WERE on the manifest. Proven. End of story.

why the FBI did not release them? I dunno... You can file an FOIA if you wish.

ETA: I wold also call into question the credibility of one of your sources that states this:

An examination of anomalies surrounding published passenger lists for American Airlines Flight 11 on Sept 11, 2001. (Alleged to have hit the WTC at 8.46.)

Flight 11 Allegedly hit the WTC???

[edit on 14-12-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 01:17 PM
If you want to make a really persuasive argument to the American people that the terrorists did it instead of the U.S. govt., the govt. would make sure they used dead people, not live ones and kicking to tell their story about how the U.S. govt. asked their permission to use their name to embarrass them.

Flight 11

Flight 77

Flight 93

Flight 175

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