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Living Demons

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posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:43 AM
Hmm.. Im glad that my demon is good. I wish I could post more info, but not in this forum.

[edit on 10-1-2008 by tartar]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by tartar

if there is any forum you feel comfortabl epostign in plz let me know cuz i truly need help

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:48 AM
Yes there actually is one. Ill speak with my admin..

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by tartar

alright cool just let me know. any help is greatly appreciated.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 08:59 PM
i use to think i was just being stupid and was happy living my life ignoring myself, but now i have a little girl that is starting to exhibit the same strange things and i have another on the way and im worrie dmore for them than myself.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 04:05 AM
You need to seek professional psychiatric help before you mental delusions harm your children.

You are not a demon, never have been a demon, and you will never have supernatural powers. Never.

I too once had a fetish of being incarnated demon stuff, but I was a child, and I got over my silliness, without whining to people on the internet for help.

There are countless books on the subject of demons, I know I read dozens of them before I was ten years old.

You can't be bothered to go read, in your entire life with this 'problem'.?
This just reaffirms my suspicion that you are pathetic person having fantasies
to pump up your failing ego.

Do something useful with your life, get mental health counceling, raise your child safely, and stop being such a pathetic excuse for a human being.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:12 PM
plz help me, i dont belive this stuff, i just cant, i dont evan believe in our god, but im very much confused and concerned, is that any story of 3 diferent worlds, one represents the light, the other represents the darkness?
the people from those worlds are "demons" and some of them arent evil so they live here in earth, i met a girl that told me this, a preety girl, dont know why she would be leing, and than her brother told me the same thing, i cant find an awnser, but if this is true, i think my friend is a ... "demon" they have spells do, dark spells.

please add me in MSN [email protected]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Im new here, and i dont want to be active in the forum, i just want to ask you guys a very concerning and confusing question. i want to hear all your theories.
i met a girl that i consider now as my friend, she told me some wierd stuff about 2 worlds, one is dark the other one represents the light, she said that her kind comes from the dark world. some of them like peace so they come to live in our home land earth. I dont believe this, but some how i cant proove that its wrong.
i dont believe in all this stupid balony. but after she said this i met her brother, and he told me the same, of course they wanted to keep this secret but i figured it out.

is there any other guy who knows what i am talking about?, if so please tell me, and what books should i read? im getting scared here, her brother said they have darkspells, they cant cast them obviously. i know its stupid but, for the first time i think im starting to belive in something super natutral....

add me on msn: [email protected]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Fallen One
fallen angels of corse are angels that were casted out by God. mainly in the christian and jewish culures are they spiritual creatures. the sumarians said that the gods that thay worshiped were beings from the sky, baisicaly like alians. beings from other planets or relms of the univers. the sumarians could talk to as well as touch there gods. jewdism and christianity both come from the sumarian believes. the bible says that the sons of God came from the sky and came into the daughters of man. from this the nephilim was created. golioth was a nephilim. the bible says that the nephilim lived befor and after the great flood. the angels that would have mated with human women would have been fallen angels since God would not have alowed heavenly angels to do this. pluss when the fallen were casted out of heaven they were made into physical beings, this is how lucifer was able to turn into the serpent in the garden of edan. if the nephilim still lived after the great flood that would mean that they still have the ability to be alive today. if not there blood still at least flows thru the vains of people today. if u want more info on the subject ur best bet would be to look up the sumarians. im sorry for my spelling, that is not my strong point but i asure u that this info is info that can easly be looked up. if u have any more questions e mail me at [email protected]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Legalizer
people think that just cuz they have never seen things such as demons or angels that they dont exist. have u ever seen radio waves? or micro waves? how about an atom? no and no one has. does that mean that they dont exist? "believers" as u call them understand the world for what it could be and not what it couldnt. albert einstine believed in God and he was one of the most brilliant men to ever walk the face of this earth. if u live with closed eyes u have the ability to fall but if u live with open eyes u can see were u are truely going. open ur eyes as well as ur mind. u just might "believe" something.... oh and there is no use in bringing up my spelling when u decide to retaliate. i embrase my flaws

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Fallen One

to ur question about demons possesing humans or the dead. demons do not actualy enter the body of the human they controle the brain. this is a more realistic vew on possesion. the human brain has the ability to do things that we only see on tv or read in books. all humans are conected by brain waves. he have the ability to comunicate thru the mind we just dont know how. the demon would conect to the humans brain and controle the body. u are only born half human half demon. this would mean that demon blood runs thru ur vains. ur mother or father would have ancesters that were nephilim. a demon can controle a dead body but it would be pointles since decay would set in and the body would be renderd useles. the possesion that people think of today is more fiction than anything els. demons work by influence like propoganda or placing thoughts into our minds. they get there way by placing things that we can touch smell see and hear into our reality. there are laws that angels and demons must fallow. they are the laws of physics. what most people know about physics is less than one millionth of the trueth. some people are encarnations of angels. or i should say re-encarnations since they have been re-encarnated since the beguining. God placed these angels in the bodys of men to help humanity. i myslef are the encarnation of a messager angel named nicholas ( which is my real name) i have been told this by mistics and phychics. the name nicholas comes from the word nike wich means angel. (angel means messager) i have the ability to read people vary well, sence energy and comunicate with the arch angel michael ( michael mean he who is God) i dont talk to him he just places thoughts into my mind of what he needs me to do. we are all angels since we are all children of God. thoughs who deny God are the fallen. if u are a decendent of the nephilim u still have the ability to be embrased by God since u are not thoughs who dinied him. u make ur own choices and u decide wether or not to be angel or fallen. agian please excuse the spelling.

i may be crazy but im not insane.

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