posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 05:57 AM
Hi all
Been posting since a week or so I guess ive been reading allot more now and also been reading tru comments. And I think SHTF pretty soon..
Ive been readin here for 9 months now. And started by being showed some Alex Jones by a friend of mine some 2 years ago. Im 19 at the moment. And
well now im researching everyday into Extraterastials, NWO, Spirituality and lots lots more. And Id like to know allot more about Hollow Earth and
I live in the southern netherlands in the city and im pretty f****d over by the system living in the streets and at friends. Ive been squatter before
that and was a part of underground community. When SHTF we might resist but I cant give away to much.
I also might just leave since there is
nothing here to stay for but my friends.
I guess that was about it except for saying ATS being the best resource for the Truth!