posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 05:47 PM
The doctors have decided to begin the complicate operation on the 7-week old baby born with two heads. If all goes well, the baby will begin a new
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic Feb. 6 � A team of surgeons began a rare and risky operation Friday to remove the second head of a Dominican baby a
partially formed twin that threatens the girl's development.
Abc Link
Eighteen surgeons, nurses and doctors were to take several rotations to cut off the undeveloped tissue, clip the veins and arteries, and close the
skull using a bone graft from another part of Rebeca's body.
Let's hope that the baby lives through this, since this is the first operation of its kind. Basically the doctors are guessing on how to do the
Latest News: Baby's operation is a success and the child is doing well after undergoing highly complicated and risky surgery!
[Edited on 2/6/2004 by surfup]
[Edited on 7-2-2004 by Kano]