posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 10:35 PM
it is my firm oppinion that conspiracy theory is a weapon used by the federal government as a method of psy ops (psychological operations). their goal
here is to build archives of true and false information and then release it to the public through websites such as google, yahoo, and tv news media
and even documentaries. the reason for this being, that in the day when martial law is declared and we are attacked by ourselves, we will not know who
to trust
and what information to trust. this will be a result of the decades of hoaxs, cover-ups and scandals. the point that i am trying to make is that
anyone can log onto a website such as ATS(c) and post whatever information they desire. this includes people who work directly for or are contracted
by the government to pose as normal civilians. in turn these people will post information and claims on such websites. what in turn this will cause is
a lack of trust and faith in actual knowledge.
for example a man can post a false thread stating that he works for the government and has connections to top secret information. inexperienced
readers and analyzers can view this false information and take it as truth without fully examining the truth. I myself am not a conspiracy theorist. I
consider myself a conspiracy theory analyst or CTA. I read threads, posts, news bulletins from a cache of websites and tv news channels and literature
and analyze them for truth using common tools such as the internet, television, literature, historical events and even personal interviews. Getting
back on topic, i believe that because so many lies and
mistruths are so rampant on every source of media, in the future we will not be able to dicypher true information necessary for our own intelligence.
Before our own government does anything to harm us we will harm ourselves because of our own distrust. All political outlets will collapse and utter
chaos will ensue. I'm not saying that we
can not use these websites and other media as a tool of correct information, only that through the wrong eyes and ears this sort of information can be
extremely dangerous. So because of all the lies and scandals and coverups we will turn on ourselves before they turn on us. I like to call this the
Cry Wolf Theory