posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 08:21 AM
I seriously doubt that the Republicans are trying to concede anything.
Huckabee was unknown to the national populous in the beginning, on the first debate I described him as a very good speaker, who reminded me of a car
salesman, real smooth.
He is very comfortable in front of the camera and since he hasn't spent his political career in Washington, some look to him as someone NEW since a
majority of americans are fed up with what has been going on in DC, be it Rep or Dem.
I haven't seen him attack anyone besides little sly remarks tainted with humor ie. when he said Hillary would be the first person he would send to
mars on a mission. It got some laughs.
It looked like he was getting a pass from the other Rep candidates, especially Giuliani because the little gains made by Huckabee were in line with
the losses by the front runner Romney.
That has all changed now that Huckabee's star has risen, now he is being attacked by misleading news designed to turn votes away from the former
Arkansas governor.
His campaign reminds me very much of another former Arkansas governor, unknown, who won and served 8 years as President, I think you know who that is.
Remember when they said he had no chance to win the election?
Think about it, I think the only President elected going back to 1976 who was a Washington DC career guy was Bush Sr.
Carter - Georgia Gov?
Reagan - California Gov?
Clinton - Arkansas Gov?
Bush Jr - Texas Gov?
31 years - one Pres from the cesspool of corrupt national representatives.
This kind of backs up my thoughts that changing the President will result in no change in Washington, if you REALLY want change, get rid of the lifer
Congressmen and Senators, while it is important to follow and decide who you want to represent the country in the Oval office, it is MUCH MORE
IMPORTANT you & I carefully follow our local, state elections to enact a very BIG change in the face of our representatives serving on Capitol
My observations say this will not happen, most people hate politics and prefer not to get their hands dirty, yet they complain about the mess that
results from their inaction.
I certainly hope that in my lifetime we, indvidual citizens can rise up and clean up Washington DC, before it is too late...