posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 05:46 AM
report entitled 'a lunar laboratory' which was sent to the committee on space research in toulouse, france on 30th july 1986
it details how they try and think 50 years ahead to enable a successful lunar laboratory to operate. it mentions types of experiments which could be
conducted and how it would be used for astronomical observations. it discusses the problems and benefits of lunar resources, solar flares, oxygen,
magnetic fields, radiation, water, transportation etc.
they mention mars, it's water and how they could remove it, which is strange considering that even now nasa is reluctant to admit there is any there
(and this report is over 20 years old now).
the 'international' use of the laboratory was considered and though they admit it can work in practice as is apparent at cern, the attitude seems a
little reticent to allow others in .
more science objectives, unique experiments and radio telescopes are discussed.
the last page lists references used.