posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Well Paul, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. Dr. Paul's record as a Congressman supports all of the claims made. I truly believe
that he is the genuine article. If not, then why would the mainstream media be working so hard to discredit, whitewash or bury him as the viable
candidate that he is.
To date Faux news, CNN, MSNBC, Time, Newsweek at al have failed miserably in providing any level of coverage of Dr. Paul's campaign despite his
meteoric rise in campaign contributions, straw poll support, grassroot organizational support and national polling results.
Why? Because Dr. Paul is an immutable danger to the Establishment and their talking heads. The "Programmable" aspect of politics comes directly
from the establishment media and their desire to portray their chosen establishment candidates as the darlings of American politics - which polls are
clearly demonstrating that they are not.
Do a blind survey of your own. Ask people on the street who they are supporting and you will hear many names other than Hillary, Obama, Guiliani or
Romney. Sadly, the MSM would have you believe that tjhis thing was already down to only those 4 candidates - THAT is the power of programming a
national election. The psychology of people wanting to beleive that they are on the "Winning" team by supporting the candidate that they believe is
winning - as put forth by the mainstream media.
Ron Paul is probably one of the last chances for a fair and representaitve government of the people, by the people and for the people.