posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Ok I love the ideas coming in. I believe that absolutely NO SPECIAL material is needed to tap atomic energy! That is the most important thing, we
don't need superconducting material or anything, in a way it would make it more efficient yes but it really is not necessary.
And also let me just explain what free energy is because it does not violate any laws of physics.
The common misconception with free energy is that it comes from nowhere. It is like saying that this computer I am typing on just all of the sudden
popped up here. Things like that just don't happen. When qualified researchers, and I mean most of you, talk about free energy we mean that it does
in fact come from somewhere, we are just tapping that source.
I did some more research and found that the current classical electromagnetic theory is surprisingly very flawed. It has been pointed out by many
notable physicists.
Also thinking about atoms, instead of thinking why do electron continue to rotate around a nucleus or flow through a conductor think why do electrons
continue to exist. What keeps them ticking. Isn't that source potentially unlimited.
Think about this, an electron must lose some energy eventually right? Of course, it is an object in motion this must mean there is an energy input
from somewhere OR that it in itself is an overunity device.
I think that the former sounds like a more reasonable approach to it. Well guys go at it see what you can come up with!