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whey protein shakes??

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 08:22 AM
any of you guys drink these?
i drink one per day. every 8 ounce shake gives you 20 grams of protein...
just curious if anyone else drinks em...
they're good too. taste like a choco shake

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Boondock78

Are they realy good for you? I've never had one...perhaps I should, I love coco!

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by tetsujin420
reply to post by Boondock78

Are they realy good for you? I've never had one...perhaps I should, I love coco!

well, it's protein....
i don't think it is bad for you....a lot of people that lift drink it. i started drinking it when i lost my apetite from the meds...

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:54 PM
If you're working out and want to put a little extra bulk on your body, whey shakes are second to nothing as a supplement to your regular healthy diet. Apparently, (I'm not a nutritionist, so this is opinion), the protein in whey is extremely easy for the body to break down and reconstitute as muscle fibers. And yeh, after a good workout, they taste fantastic. Be careful though, if the particular shake has creatine in it. Sometimes this can help add weight, but all you're doing is adding water mass, which can lead to all kinds of cramps every time you get up to walk. I would just avoid the creatine altogether.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 12:06 AM
I have had some delicious protein shakes. Myoplex has some pretty good ones. If I remember correctly, if you get the vanilla flavored mix and add cinnamon, it tastes a lot like a cinnamon roll.

I was working out a lot and following the Body for Life diet/workout plan before my wedding. Those shakes really helped out! And they were a filling substitute when I had to skip breakfast.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 09:50 AM
whole foods are better IMO such as low fat cottage cheese, eggs or egg whites, SALMON and other fish are GREAT sources as well.

there are 2 exceptions (when IMO whey is better)

1. the 45 minute post workout window when your body is craving some carbs (sugars/glycogen esp) and fast acting protein (whey is the fastest protein to be digested i believe)

2. if you are trying to put on weight (not that whey has many calories) but it becomes very tedious to buy or make (but esp. eat) that many whole food meals, and shakes are beneficial because the liquid calories can be scarfed down, and they really don't put a huge dent in your hunger ( so you can eat more and gain weight if you wish) in fact if you add a 1/2 cup oats, a banana, and a scoop of beanut butter you will be "in business". should note in this case you can use egg protein powder instead

* of course they can be also used if you are dieting (and trying to make sure you have the protein necessary to hold onto muscle) , and are esp. popular in this case w/ caffeine which lowers appetite

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