Thanks for posting this critical information! I am shocked at how many times I hear things about animals. Such as animals have no souls. Or that
animals dont feel emotions.. And they can only see in black and white, ect ect ect..
The list goes on and on about what Man thinks he knows about dogs. Or any animal or insect for this matter, but right now we are talking about dogs.
Which I have had pets all my life, and still to this day..
I know that most things people think they know about animals are extreamly wrong and just bias. I dont know where this steams from but it sertinly is
repeated over and over agin to us as a society.
I have always known dogs can reason. When you have animals you just know! And all my dogs have had their very own little personalities..
Each one of them are different, and have a different way they hold their eyes. They speak to me, and I can understand them. NOW IM NOT saying they
talk like humans okay..
But they do speak, and try to get a point across. I even have cats like this too. I dont know why most of this stuff isnt a fact.
The question I have is why do groups of people say animals like these cant think for themselfs, whats up with all that?
Do these people not have pets?
ITs great information, but if you own pets, then you know whats going on.
Im the type of pet owner that takes good care of my animals. if they get sick take them to the vet right away. They are much like children to me..
And do cost alot of money sometimes.
But if you are going to have pets, you have to be stable enough to meet their needs.. They are living little creatures with hearts and souls.. They
are part of the cycle in this universe somehow..
I think of many of my pets where my masters in another life, and we have changed places.. So I take care of them well to maybe in hopes in my next
life, they will be my owners, and I get to be lazy all my life, and eat and go on long walks, and be loved my whole life no worries...
I love being able to be connected to another lifeforce in this life.. And understand that dogs are smarter than some people in this world
[edit on 6-12-2007 by zysin5]