i dont know where else to say this
but, everywhere i look, all i see is insanity.
both sides of the arguements, i see people becoming so frustrated with each other, people are starting to get hurt.
needlessly. over words.
Look, if we ever expect to be a Truely civilized nation, and have ANY decent future for our Children, than please put down your weapons.
Keeping them near you is fine, if it makes you feel safe. thats fair enough.
But lower them, let us have 1 freaking moment of faith in the human race for just 1 milisecond, Please!!!
Do any of you, either side of the arguement you are on, even realize the pandoras box we are about to open?
Ive read alot of threads here, and thought about it a good deal. Its obvious Someone wants us to kill each other.
Someone wants a US Civil war part 2. Who ? Like i would know, the responsible party hides in the shadows. But it must exist.
What if it doesnt exist? What if theres no conspiracy? Well, this is the MOST amazing set of coincidences ive ever seen. i mean WOW! lol
it doesnt matter if its a conspiracy or not, the truth is plain for all to see
People in america are freaking out, and once an armed revolt starts, the gov't will clamp down with extreme force.
Then there goes the country, down the toilet. Then its over for our children.
You really wanna make it happen like that? I thought all of you loved this country. And everyones about to destroy it.
Im just asking one simple small favor . Dont kill each other. Because if you do, your killing my children and grandchildren. I just want you to know
that. Our grandchildren!
I thought we were "claiming" to be smart, rational, civilized beings.
Clearly, the clever thing to do, is to halt and advances for armed conflict in our precious homeland. Let us reach out to our lost brothers in
understanding, not bullets. Let us love our enemy, and find hope for them in our hearts.
%()*&$@!!!! Seriously People!
Americas greatest strength lies not in her armor of war.
It can only be found in the Love we all have for her! And what she can do for our peoples, and for all mankind. That is the america we all love.
And that is the America we will all lose. If you kill for it. This time around, the killing will reach all of America's children.
We will do it to ourselves. And once we kill ourselves. The rest of the world will quickly break down into war. All kinds of wars.
We should all step up to the plate. And risk our neck for Faith in mankind.
Remember giving the riot cops flowers? It works. Lets just talk our way out of this. Its easier than DYING!
Just put the weapons down, everyone!
Im afraid my children and i will get caught in the crossfire.
Let us make it our goal to never give into the tempation to Kill to achieve political gains. For that is the mark of the beast we are trying to fight.
the beast within us all
we need now more than ever, to just forgive the past, and love each other right now and holster the guns please. thanks.
look, i dont care if you think Osama was the mastermind of the upcoming conflict.
I dont care if you think it was the CIA. I dont care if you think it was God and the Devil. I dont care , if you think this is all a wild
I just want everyone to chill out. And be mindful of the wisdom of the past. So we will not have to repeat it, Again! And believe you me, this has
already happened before! More than once!
Choose Peace. Choose a strong america.
Say No! to the civilwar 2