posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 09:11 PM
Well with vision this technology developement is very promising. Currently (for a few years now) their are microchips that exist that can transfer
neuron charges into readable computer data. This could only be the first step in bio-tech integration and the Other innovations that came out
In the article your basically reading about developement of a "Soldiers War Organizer" making strain on the U.S cyborg trooper somewhat "easier".
But what happens when they integrate Exoskeletons?
or Computer's that not only read data sent from the human brain, but aslo Input data into the human brain (if your fighting such a Unit, that is the
day you should fear. when the mind of humans and computers become one) giving the human soldier unknown capabilities with direct aid from computers
(target's faster, able to send messages through artificial telepathy, Calculates trojectories of the bullets he's firing, extreme accelerated
thought, the rest of the list is long and probably unimaginable to some.
I would say, that this isn't the last time you'll hear about this if you plan to live longer than 10years