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Is Afghanistan Forgotten?

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posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Why does it seem we hear about how good the front in Iraq is going but yet we hardly hear any word about Afghanistan.Unless of course it is about the exploding poppy feild growth.I mean seriously we still have troops there aswell.But it seems those guys are just put to the back of the news.I would think the attention would be more focused on it because it is more justifiable to me than Iraqs occupation.Is there more oil in Iraq???What is it?

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Iraq! Iraq! Iraq! Isn't that all we hear? I know that for a fact.
America wants the public to know that Iraq! is our enemy. Afganistan, the public is edgey about but seriously, is Iraq even our enemy? Why? Who knows? I would suggest maybe to establish permanent military bases in this region. Some presidential candidates actually state that we should never leave Iraq. Now we're going to Iran? For the reason taht they could have nukes. Don't we have like 20 billion? What is wrong with us? Who says we have the right and to say they don't? So lets go into Iran and blow the hell out of them like we did to Afganistan (who is no longer a threat).


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