Originally posted by buddhasystem
Thanks John, I'm anxiously waiting to make necessary corrections.
Thanks for your patience BS.
I had the birthday part of the century.
Bob Lazar called about 5 pm and said that he wouldn't be able to make it but wished me a Happy Birthday.
Everybody arrived about 6 and Bob walked in at about 6:30.
I was in total shock and he said, "I wouldn't have missed this for the world".
Jim Tagliani was also there with Shelly. Jim worked at TTR when Bob was at S-4.
Ron Blackburn (retired, 20 years at Lockheed Skunkworks) was there along with about 40 of my friends, many of them former Groom Lake workers.
We all talked about the old days and what we remembered..
Much of the party was videotaped by Ron Garner. At one point several asked that the video tape be turned off. And it was turned off.
The last people there at midnight were Zorgon, Ron and Sue Blackburn, Bob Lazar, Jim and Shelly Tagliani and me.
I mentioned my theory about the gravity on the moon and a breathable atmosphere.
Bob supported your position that the moon has one sixth of the earth's gravity and that there is no possibility of a breathable atmosphere.
He explained that the Bullialdus/Newton law of inverse square had no relevance and he explained why.
I disagreed but I did not argue the point. Bob did not believe flying saucers existed when I first met him either, and to this he did admit.
So you don't need to correct your calculations according to Bob Lazar.
But he is still my best friend.