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Giants - An Amazing New Discovery

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posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Giants - An Amazing New Discovery

Events recently discussed on talk shows and through published articles are providing strong evidence that bones of a giant race have been discovered in Breitenwinner Cave in Germany.
The developing story, ancient evidence backing the discovery, graphics, and a video of an exploration can be accessed at The Breitenwinner Cave:
An article published this discovery:
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:28 PM
We received an email on Nov. 8, 2007, which stated: "You wrote of Breitenwinner Cave in Bavaria. I just got out of the Army and was stationed at the Joint Multinational Training Center, now known as the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, a NATO training facility which now surrounds this cave." The individual went on to say: "Two friends also stationed here and myself accidentally stumbled across this cave which was located near what we call Checkpoint 35, those ever stationed here will know where that is. We had a video camera with us and found thousands of bones that were of huge proportion." We viewed the video, immediately made contact with the person making this claim, established his credibility, and contacted our media sources. Within 24 hours, the man who had explored Breitenwinner Cave, was interviewed on a major radio show. Since that time we have made steady progress with new evidence and an effort to have this cave examined by forensic experts.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:40 PM
Last time this photo was around it was Saudi-located rather than Bavarian? Hoax? A link:

I would not be surprised if it was already discussed here at some point. It was a photo manipulation of a mastadon find by Cornell according to the article.


posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:11 AM
I started to watch the video about the exploration of the cave, but quickly realized I wasn't going to have time to watch it.

I did see where they found a 2-3 hundred pound steel door at the entrance to the cave.... does this tie into the 'giant discovery' at all or just a sideline to it being near a German Military Prisoner camp?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Oracle Tracker
I know I'm sure I've dreamt about standing inside the mouth of that cave before. Never been anywhere near there before.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:23 AM
the original 500 year old account says nothing about Giant human bones at all
it just mentions "large skulls". Its much more likely that the cave was used by bears which were quite common in bavaria in that period. If they had been large human skulls the account would have been sure to mention it. Bears have large skulls all without being an amazing discovery

the video doesn't say anything about huge human bones either and there is no evidence anywhere in the link of giant humans

you got a cave
a 500 year old account of some large skulls of undetermined species
a video where it is claimed over and over that the bones in the cave (all human size) are from people who died in WW2

you go into any cave and start excavating you will find exactly the same as was found in this one

nothing interesting to see here at all

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