reply to post by Burginthorn
Hello Burginthorn,
You are so right with your way of thinking what the future has in store for America.
For along time now, 20 yrs, I have been living in Egypt and up until the Iraq war I enjoyed a true life fileed with prestiege and the Egyptians
really made me fill as special as a man can be with respect and basically the higher step of authority.
I have been living and working for many years starting way back in the 1984 because of of the Camp David Accords, They received 1.22 bil a year and
Isreal received 1.26 bil and everyone was happy.
I went under the American corporations military defense programs for modernizing Egypts weapons programs and it was an honor to be treated with such
descent respect it was hard to give up.
I started working in the reverse engineeriing of their foreign weapons systems. We basically had to analized each system and come up with a way as
to develop systems to combat them, counter tactics and in around about way it was considered Skunkworks projects but this was never mentioned, you
just knew it. We served for Defense Corps and I was able to work into three different projects throughout my years, because of my specialty
experiences, They made me feel like a king for my efforts.
Things changed after the Iraq war and I found myself feeling like a bastard stepchild and even my American companies made a separation with me, now
they dont give me the time of day, I was dedicated to the projects. In fact one of the leading fortune 500 corp would not be there if it wasnt for me
doing what I did in the first place for them as a favor.
Now I feel as though I have been black listed and in reality I did nothing wrong, oh well.
I returned recently from that land after all these years and find myself as like an outcast here in America which I dont deserve but there is
nothing I can do about it, maybe apply as a bag boy at a grocery store.
Well to get back to the story, Egypt which is a friend to America will be going through real sh-- in the near future, why?
Camp David accords was set up to make peace with Isreal and for over 30 yrs we have paid to better the Egyptians, but one of the prerequisits for
Egypt is to set up a true Democracy, We now are watching Iraq in action and we know the only way of solving this violence will be to split the waring
factions by partitioning Iraq 3 ways, you'll see.
Now Egypt has a very old President Mubarak whom has done great things for Egypt with American money but if he sets up a true democratic system then
the Moslem Brotherhood will take over and they will be the moral majority, who do you think is in control of the brotherhood, IRAN.
So all we are doing in Iraq is just going to go down the drain and then when Egypt has to set up Democracy because of all of our insistance over the
past 30 years, then what do we do dealing with Iran for everything. The elite will have to excommunicate and leave the country and so what happens to
our friends the Egyptians, the shaft. We will be out.
Then Isreal will really have only one friend in the land Turkey who wants to be in the EU Community, bummer if they are not excepted, what then for
the US and even Europe. Continues troubles in all those lands, mass anarchy will take place and for sure WW3 there is no avoidance. Now if Pres
Mubarak is allowed to place his Son in power then we and Europe will stand a chance to stay in the area, but this is not Democracy this is
Dictatorship, right.
America pushed democracy down all of their throahts for so many years and has paid for it dearly in all of those countries of the region just to end
up being a waste of tax payers money for the past 30 years, I wonder how much we have spent for this as well as our hero Soldiers serving all over the
Middle east and the other areas, what now and the future