posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:08 AM
1.The claims against DU projectiles have generally been contradictory and don't stand up to scientific rigor. There are many other things to explain
gulf war syndrome such as the reactions to anti-anthrax drugs we gave soldiers, as well as other things.
2. War is not a weapon of war, war is not used within war, war is war, therefore grypyth's comment is logically invalid. Also come on people,
you're not "clever" or "deep" for saying something like "the human mind" or "the media", you just sound like you couldn't come up with a
real answer to the question. The only esoteric answer that truly makes sense here is propaganda, which is generally a very terrible weapon of war,
but only in riling up one's own people to do bad things, it has generally proven inneffective against enemies.
3. AIDS is not a weapon, never has been, and if you're stupid enough to believe it is, I'm not wasting my effort trying to convince you
4. Nuclear weapons are actually not terrible weapons of war as generally they act as a fairly effective detterent and are mainly used to scare people,
not as a practical weapon.
5. VX is pretty nasty, but honestly, there are many worse ways to die. With VX, you die within less than a minute, sometimes under 10 seconds.
Whereas if you get shot in the lung, you could bleed to death over ten to fifteen minutes. Also, as chemical weapons have only been used twice in any
major war (WWI and the Iraq-Iran War) I would have to say they do not top the list.
6. The JDAM is not a terrible weapon of war, it is actually fairly nice, as far as weapons go of course.
7. I would have to say the people who said anti-personell landmines probably have the best answer so far. Anti-Personell landmines were carelessly
places throughout many major conflicts and many many many civillians have suffered as a result, this is probably one of the best arguments. As
generally civillians are hurt on a wide scale with these weapons unnessacarily, this is a good argument, as well as the fact that landmines have been
used very commonly in every major war since their inception.