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Abduction Aliens....why are there only a few types?

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:33 PM
Here's my question: Why is it that every abduction story involves either "Grey" aliens or "Reptilian" aliens? I guess no one wants to admit they were abducted by a 6 foot duck
. Back to seriousnes, where did the idea of these two generic aliens come from? I always hear in these abduction stories: "Big head, big black eyes, short" or something like that. Are these the only aliens who want to grace us with thier presence?

Any thoughts about this?

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:40 PM
Are there humans with lips the size of radiators? Do you commonly see extreme abnormalities in the basic structure of flesh and blood?

Our forms are limited, as are theirs. The third dimension has its boundaries, we can't exactly have living clouds and talking beer.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:56 PM
there are alot, the greys are not always seen as 'grey' but various colors. Also the nordics..plediens (sp?) personally I discount most of them except the they appeared at Roswell & Barney & betty hill abductions..2 events I think are very credible. The rest are taken with a grain of salt IMHO

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Darthweezer

The statistics lend credence to the notion that something is going on that is more than just people's imaginations. These statistics are the only 'evidence' that everyone must agree on. You can't argue with the fact that thousands of people from all walks of life have described having the same experience. It seems to me that if there wasn't something specific causing people to believe this (anything from it being a reality, to it being some kind of gov't mind control experiment etc.) then people would describe all kinds of other equally unlikely things happening to them, in similar numbers. "I was carried off by unicorns!" or "I met a leprechaun!"

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:25 PM
there are also tall and short brown ones, also some tall with an orange
hue. there are many types. they are all shaped and colored according to their environment. what it is and what your told are OFTEN shaded.
the question is why?

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by jainatorres
there are alot, the greys are not always seen as 'grey' but various colors. Also the nordics..plediens (sp?) personally I discount most of them except the they appeared at Roswell & Barney & betty hill abductions..2 events I think are very credible. The rest are taken with a grain of salt IMHO

The Pleidians don't abduct, they contact.

But these aliens, that one refers as "evil" pretty much don't care about what you think of that. So the greys the workers and i suppose another bio engineered species by the Reptilians, those greys just do their job.

Fact is, that most aliens around are humanoid but there's no wonder, since they come all from one creative source.
Forget about the Darwin theory, where everything under the right circumstances etc. etc. evolved. That's a bogus apparently.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Darthweezer

There is also a preying mantis type alien, Travis Walton said he saw the Nordics (even though this wasn't in the movie), Riley Martin claims to have seen insectillians (although I think he's one of these least credible abductees/contactees), Philip Krapf was contacted by a species known as the Verdants who were simliar to the greys but different looking, so they're out there you just got to keep reading contactee's stories and keeping your eyes and ears open...

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Darthweezer
Here's my question: Why is it that every abduction story involves either "Grey" aliens or "Reptilian" aliens?

Any thoughts about this?

Those are the most common to be sure. The grays and reptilians have become part of popular culture. In the 50's it was little green men.

My own experience wasn't an abduction, more of an invitation, but it wasn't Grays, Reptilians, Nordics, or any others that I've read about. They were small and light like grays are frequently described as, but they had skin that was computer beige, like Caucasian skin with the blood drained. Their eyes were not the black bug-eyes but something more akin to over sized human eyes.

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