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why do birthday cakes have candels on them

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:14 AM
does it have to do with the occolt? candel majic .it it a sin to make a wish that is not of God?But meybe the i dont know .your thoughts please

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:30 AM
I found three different explanations:

Birthday candles originally were placed on cakes to bring birthday wishes up to God. In ancient times, people prayed over the flames of an open fire. They believed that the smoke carried their thoughts up to the gods. Today, we believe, that if you blow out all your candles in one breath, your wish will come true.


We put candles on birthday cakes to honor the birthday person - usually one candle for each year. The custom goes back to the ancient Greeks, when worshippers of Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunting, used to put honey cakes on the altars of her temple on the sixth day of every month. It was believed that the candles had the power to grant a wish and ensure a happy year. The wish had to remain secret and would come true only if all the candles were blown out with one puff. The candles lost their magical power if the wish was uttered aloud.


Light from the sun or from fire had very early religious and mystical significance.
Candles also have a long association with the measurement of time.
Using small tapers to light a special cake for a birthday celebration also seems to have begun in Germany, in the 18th century or earlier. The tradition of Kinderfest, a birthday celebration for a child, with a birthday cake surrounded by lighted candles, was already well established by 1799, judging by a letter written by Goethe recounting the celebration of his fiftieth birthday.
By 1921, an American candle manufacturer was advertising its tiny "Lilliputian Candle in 6 popular shades" available in boxes of mixed colors. Six years later, cooks in rural areas and cities all over the U.S. could order cake candles and candle holders from the Sears Roebuck catalog.

There you go. There may be something spiritual in the ritual, but I doubt if there's anything paranormal about it.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 07:23 AM
i read i wiccan book, and they have candels to grant wishes to the person who is blowing them.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Amazing how relics of old still are in our every day life.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Yep, a good one is carrying the bride through the doorway of a new home, the Greeks started that one.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:22 AM
Where I come from it is to commemorate the number of years on earth. And it is candles. I get mad for spelling wrong. Mostly at myself.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:24 AM
I have a polaroid picture of my birthday party. in it, i am seen blowing my candles and right on front of my face there a smoky shape. too large and dense to be smog, it looks like a ghost..a fabric. very solid. I think candles open a doorway into something else, maybe it's an invitation to the spirit world. in a sense you are inviting the spirit world to join your party.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:35 AM
Jed, I caught a digital in my backyard that was off the hook, a huge spritous capture. No smoke or hot breath could explain it. Lost it when I got hacked. I'm coming for those shades, lol.

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