posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I know that there are a number of members here who are Masons, and I am hoping that some of them might help me with some information.
I am aware that the Masons are a fraternal organization, and so no women may join. However I know that there are organizations for women that are
affiliated with the Masons.
Can someone explain to me what these organizations are, and what the difference is between them? I have heard of the Order of the Amaranth, and the
Eastern Star, but I was hoping to hear more about them from people who might be knowledgeable.
Also, in doing internet searches on the Order of the Eastern Star, I have noticed a lot of African American involvement. Are the members of this
organization only African American? (I am sorry if this is a stupid question. I am just really curious). I also hope that this question isn't
offensive to anyone.
I thank anyone who can provide me with some information on this topic, or point me in a direction where I might find more.
To the Moderators, I apologize if this topic has been covered in another thread. I searched and could not find exactly what I was looking for. Also,
I apologize if this should have been posted in BTS.