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Global warming scam

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posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Global warming scam: I have read where scientists have been taking ice core samples in the artic areas for years. They have found that the earth has over millions of years have had climite changes, also for the last million years or so there has been a ice age every 18,000 to 20,000 years, The ice age is proceeded by some warming including melting of the ice at the poles, this causes the salty oceans to cool down because of the great amount of non salted water. As every one knows the oceans have a great impact on weather patterens.SO the warming pattern is short and then you get an ice age as the ocean cools.
The last ice age was around 20,000 years or so so we are due to get one soon. I have read that our sun which always was considered to be stable, is not so as it goes through its own cycles over thousands of years. When you consider the volume of our atmosphere around our planet, I think it is hard to see how man could have only but a very small impact on the natural cycles that our planet goes through.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:59 PM
You are correct in that we are "over due" for the next Ice Age according to not only the ice samples but also geology supports this.
My personal belief on the global warming issue is the science that is being used to blame mankind is very similar in nature to the science that was used to proved the dangers of red food coloring or event better the science that was used to prove that driving 55 would lower the smog levels. on this one, they forgot to factor in that the lower speeds would force the vehicles to be in a smaller area longer putting out all the CO thus.... driving up the smog levels even quicker.
It only took science a couple of decades to figure that out

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 05:02 PM
Common scence/Sound science can't win over envirowackos, media hype and the "Blame Human's first Cult". Remember the crying Indian and all the fear about THE COMING ICEAGE!!! circa 1970's-80's???? Same BS, just packaged better and someone found a way to make buck from it.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:57 AM
because of global warming, once set through by the...

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 08:30 AM
Fossil carbons are being released into our atmosphere at a rate that our current ecosystem cannot tolerate. These carbons have been inactive for millions of years but are now being released at an alarming rate. The damage already done is irreversable within our current technology. If the current pollution trend continues then future generations of all living systems; from microscopic organisms to all plants and creatures (human included) will be terribly altered or exterminated as our systems cannot adjust or evolve fast enough to keep up. So many life-forms have already become extinct within our lifetime and unfortunately many more will follow. Certainly there are natural forces at work as well but they do NOT make such rapid changes. Anyone disputing the obvious facts are not being honest with themselves. Such arrogant ignorance is not only dangerous but totally self-serving. Those people care not for our descendants or anything but their own comfort. Anyone with a shred of intelligence should take an opportunity to understand and be with nature to observe the alarming changes we have already experienced. For those unfortunate and pitiful souls who cannot realize the present problem, I suggest you remove your heads from where the sun doesn't shine and view the natural world in its actual context. It is time for the whole populace to wake up and take action. The world is not flat.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by kensate

The issue here is that most news claim that mankind is primarily responsible for global warming. This is actually incorrect.
Let me show you a few things.

Fossil carbons are being released into our atmosphere at a rate that our current ecosystem cannot tolerate. These carbons have been inactive for millions of years but are now being released at an alarming rate. The damage already done is irreversable within our current technology. If the current pollution trend continues then future generations of all living systems; from microscopic organisms to all plants and creatures (human included) will be terribly altered or exterminated as our systems cannot adjust or evolve fast enough to keep up.

You are correct in this. The problem is that you are assuming that these fossil carbons are only from mankind. This would be incorrect.
Mt Saint Helens eruption a few years ago put out more Carbon emmissions than humans have in our entire history!
In 2004, Mt Saint Helens was found to be the biggest poluter in the entire state of Washington!" target="_blank" class="postlink">Mount St. Helens the state's No. 1 air polluter

Certainly there are natural forces at work as well but they do NOT make such rapid changes.

Actually, there is growing evidence that shows that Rapid climate changes are part of the norm for the Planet Earth." target="_blank" class="postlink">Abrupt climate change more common than believed

Such arrogant ignorance is not only dangerous but totally self-serving. Those people care not for our descendants or anything but their own comfort. Anyone with a shred of intelligence should take an opportunity to understand and be with nature to observe the alarming changes we have already experienced. For those unfortunate and pitiful souls who cannot realize the present problem, I suggest you remove your heads from where the sun doesn't shine and view the natural world in its actual context. It is time for the whole populace to wake up and take action. The world is not flat.

Actually it is not ignorance at all to question that man is the prime suspect in the cause of global warming. As has been stated above by myself and others, most of the research that has been presented "proving" that man is the cause has been shown to have horse blinders. They only look at one or two areas of science and "forget" to include facts from other areas of studies.
Do a google search on some of the issues that were stated above and you will find more information on this pseudo science.
Once of the things I love is statistics. You can take virtually any statistic and make it prove whatever you want. Create a statistic that proves that people make more money today than they did ten years ago. This is true..... but then again, the statistic does not include the fact that the cost of living of doing anything has increased even faster. So in essence, even though you are making more money today than your parents did you are having to spend alot more just to keep your head above water.

It is one thing to want to make the planet better and to leave it in better shape for future generations. I am with you on that. We must start to conserve our resources. It is another though to put the blame for global warming on mankind's head

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
You are correct in this. The problem is that you are assuming that these fossil carbons are only from mankind. This would be incorrect.
Mt Saint Helens eruption a few years ago put out more Carbon emmissions than humans have in our entire history!
In 2004, Mt Saint Helens was found to be the biggest poluter in the entire state of Washington!" target="_blank" class="postlink">Mount St. Helens the state's No. 1 air polluter

Some evidence of this would be good. Mt St. Helens produced more than humans have over more than the industrial age?

If that were the case we would expect to see a massive spike around the time of its eruption:

Nope. Didn't happen. We release more CO2 than is required to account for the yearly rise each year. Indeed, we can see when we started to have an impact:

Small variations around 280ppm CO2 for the vast majority of the last 2000 years, through all those major eruptions, and then, kappow! It all starts to go a bit crazy.

[edit on 1-12-2007 by melatonin]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 06:00 AM
I believe it's just another distraction by the elite that's running this.

You should rather worry about you polluting our world with your car and your cigarettes etc. than worrying about a small elite ruling all the world. Right?

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Without diving into this discussion head-on, as I do believe that global warming is a real phenomenon, I just thought I'd comment on a strange aspect of the anthropogenic global climate change discussion.

The theory of 'global warming' or anthropogenic global climate change, really started off as an unlikely theory that only a small group of individuals were willing to believe.

These scientists and/or specialists saw the trends in climate change and yet were met with cynical attitudes and disbelief when they attempted to expand on the idea and suggest real action against it. What I am getting at here is that these scientists were the minority, they were struggling against the norm to get a 'crazy' idea out there.

Nowdays the scene is different, the effects are obvious (or not depending on your views I suppose) and these scientists are generally accepted to be correct. Belief in global warming is mainstream and many individuals, myself included, are doing our best to lower our 'carbon footprint' on the Earth.

Now the thing I find strange is that given the situation is that we, as skeptical posters on a conspiracy theory board, are currently suggesting that global warming is a big hoax forced on the world by a small group of elites and such, but looking at the history of the theory this is not the case at all. If anything, it was a minority of skeptics that actually changed the mainstream views of the world.

It all feels a lot like 'tall poppy syndrome' to me. I will admit I was not on this board years ago, but I could imagine that back then when global warming was widely considered a 'wacky myth' we'd all be rooting for it to be accepted by mainstream media and organisations. Skeptics everywhere on the internet could easily proclaim that they knew the 'truth' and that global warming was being covered up by the elite or whoever else. Yet now we/the scientific community have succeeded in having it accepted its suddenly an invalid or unreasonable theory?

Well, I apoligise for the length of this post but I find it all a little odd. We build the skeptic's theory up, we knock it down, we make a new theory to push.

I just hope by reading this people will reflect a little upon themselves as skeptics, and I'm assuming most people on this forum are or want to be skeptical of most things. I'm not saying that your theories on it being a hoax are impossible, but I do feel that as the climate change theory came from skeptics, then went mainstream, it is quite possible that it is a real issue and a win by the skeptics for once.

Well, I've rambled on enough. Thanks for reading and this is certainly an interesting topic.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:12 PM
Personally, I think the whole "global warming" thing is a fraud. First off, I live in Northwest Indiana where each year anyone living a very small area of NW IN have to have their cars pass an emissions test. The test is free to take, but when you get your plates you are actually paying for the test. This area of the country is the only place that has mandatory emissions testing. Now, imagine an entire country believing that they are the sole contributers to our "destroyed" environment and tell them in order to make mends you must a pay fee. Picture who would be getting all of that money.

Secondly, we are told that plants and trees all love carbon. Why do people not mention that the carbon is simply going to the trees. Oh, I forgot, trees are slowly being destroyed, but that doesn't mean things like grass do not need it to survive. It's like people saying, "We have this huge supply of oxygen, but we don't use it.

Thirdly, this whole ice age thing is a big cover up for an idea that scientists believed killed the dinosaurs. For some strange reason, we still have frogs and other amphibians and reptiles, from the dinosaur that are still around today. If there was an ice age, all amphibians and reptiles would not exist because the cold would have killed them because they are cold blooded.

Fourthly, Earth is not the only planet to be heating up. All of the planets including Pluto have shown significant increases of temperatures. Also, there are documents all over the world dating back from the 1600s to 1700s where countries all over the world said that the temperatures were slowly increasing that dropped back down. Simply, put the rising of temperatures is caused by solar cycles where the sun heats up and then cools down. Thus, global warming=solar cycles or global warming=fear administered by corporations.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 08:13 PM
while i completely agree that there exists a cycle of warming and cooling on the planet earth i also whole heartedly agree that human systems now contribute to this cycle.

the study of ecology, the landscape, and human interventions is ripe with examples of how humans have had dramatic impacts on natural systems. systems that are as interdependent as diverse. affecting even one small system can have dramatic effects on the whole.

A simple example of this is the concept of a "Keystone Species",

"Such an organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone feels the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it. Similarly, an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone species is removed, even though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or productivity. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology.[2]"

Wiki Keystone Species

My point is that although the planet has an undeniable cycle of warming and cooling humans also have an undeniable impact on the planet. knowing that the cycle of warming and cooling exists and is directly related to the presence of carbon and other "greenhouse" gases in the atmosphere drives this cycle why would we continue to contribute to the presence of this driving force? we have seen time and time again that when we choose to intervene in natural cycles we often create calamity.

this is not about talking about how humans are evil and should leave nature alone. This is about protecting the planet we live on because it is our home. humans are nature. there is no reason why our systems cannot be conceived and created in a manner that harmonizes the m with natural systems.

while i agree the scope of what i am talking about is daunting and full of challenges but it is from problems that solutions grow. complacency is the death of a species, evolution life.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by Animal]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 08:34 PM
I don't know how much I can actually contribute, but wanted to throw in the mix abou the Year With No Summer in 1816.

It ran from about 1811 to 1817 in the US and Canada and 1816 was the worst year.

If you google the "year with no summer" you will get a ton of hits.

I really believe that it's cycles that are normal, and that global warming has been a bunch of hype just to get everyone's panties ruffled over something else.


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