posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:26 AM
" You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers ". Nice sentiments, but have no doubt that the ' people ' sent to do the prying
will have lot's of experience and vastly superior power and can assure that if it comes to a ' push to shove ' reaction they will win and take your
gun and throw it on the truck with all of your neighbors guns.
Think about it: Most Americans are law abiding people, now actually afraid and intimidated by authority and police instead of regarding them as
servants to be watched with a close eye against unwarranted power. Most Americans, like those hardy souls in Louisiana who we all have seen the
video's of, handing over their personal weapons when a crew of well armed and agressive soldiers/Blackwater goons/Police Officers, etc. other
words any freak with a gun and badge who acts tough and makes demands..without a wimper.
Oh sure, they complained on film and are pissed off that they had their legal weapons taken..but notice that not in ONE case..NOT ONE..did the
citizen refuse to surrender them and force a confrontation. If it is ILLEGAL to confiscate our weapons from a Constitutional viewpoint, leaving us
without a @nd Amendment Right or any protection...then it would be a LEGAL act to refuse. Here is North Carolina there was a recent case where a guy
fought off an arrest..refused to go..because two cops arrested him on the street for selling a ticket to a basketball game..he only wanted the face
value and was not even trying to make a profit.
There is NO LAW against this activity in NC and the guy knew it..but the cops tried to arrest him for a law that did not exist..they were wrong, as
it was proven later in Court when it was thrown out..AND the citizen was NOT found guilty of battering the officers and fighting them because the
Court ruled that a CITIZEN HAS THE RIGHT TO RESIST UNLAWFUL ARRESTS AND ACTIONS AGAINST HIS PERSON. Cops cannot just abuse us and violate us and then
all we can do is get a lawyer and try and get our stuff back later..uh uh..No way.
If a group of citizens were approached and trold to give up their guns and they refused, I believe that if a shootout occurred, the citizens would
NOT be liable for defending themselves against an armed robbery of their guns. That is what it boils down to really: upon illegal orders some thugs
come for your guns..they happen to carry shiny badges of various types..they are basically trying to rob you, since the orders they carry out are
illegal. It has no more legal validity than if the orders were given by a crime boss. So you resist and keep your weapons at all costs.
It will be interesting to see how these things play out in the Courts over the years..It WILL happen, and soon I am sure. With more and more '
emergencies ' being declared and more excuses for gun confiscations to take place, sooner or later a bunch of guys are going to say NO. And then we
will see if there are really orders to kill us to enforce the illegal orders, or if it is a bluff. When the citizens start saying NO, the die will be
Personally, I think that the vast majority will give up their guns without a wimper..and they will gladly get on the frindly FEMA bus to go to the
" Safety Zone ' when some terible thing happens..or is reported to have happened..see what I mean? Most people will go quiety and obey. But there is
a remnent always that will refuse the orders to give up their rights and protections against enslavement and who prefer to die fighting rather than
rocking in a chair made by prisoners on a porch in a camp. I know what I will do, do you?