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White Continent in its full glory - New Antarctic Map

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posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 11:56 AM
This is great, and the images will be stunning - up to 10 times more detailed.

Link to story

It can be browsed through a free-to-use website, and the data will also be made available for use on "virtual globe" software, such as Google Earth.


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 12:07 PM
This is great news. I've been looking forward to this kind of thing.

Question for those more up-to-date on the last great continent, in the BBC miniseries "The Last Place on Earth" (yes, I'm very aware of the inaccuracies), Amundsen and his crew came across a huge hollow dome with spires of ice, which they had to cross and which spooked their dogs.

Was it ever determined what caused this anomaly? All these years I've thought it was a lake that somehow drained. I'm still waiting for the official conclusion.



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