It's more than that, it's one big scam.
The North American union, as it is called, would break down the borders between Canada, USA and Mexico. Apparently, the new currency known as the
Amero will take place of the Dollar, hence this drive to devalue the dollar. The union would then allow for America to gain control over the northern
hemisphere in that region and submit everyone to ID cards, RFID chips etc.
America has always had two problems with Mexico, Drugs and ilegal immigrants. The drug war is a load of rubbish. If they truly wanted to stop drugs in
any country then they would, but as it is, it is nothing more than a cash generator. Even the penal system is a money spinner for every country.
America and the UK are now overfilling their prisons.
That lot barely touches on the argument for the Mexican border. You'll find in the reports links to the sources.
That lot should give you an idea on how and why the penal system is working in line with the economy.
and here's an older set of info which gives quotes by some well known people..
Obviously, there is so much more info on all this that to begin trying to explain it all here would be silly. Use the links I've supplied. You'll
find a search engine on that main site. If you got a question on something, then use it and check all the sources provided.
The decimation of 80% of the planets populace is part of the 'end game'. Firstly, enslave everyone, then once you've completed your infrastructure,
delete that which you no longer need.
Human made climate change is another farce we are led to believe. Check that too. It's being blamed on us as it's a tax earner and jobs maker.
As you look into it, you'll see loads of info relating to secret societies. I've started a thread on that the other day.'
That will show you some very interesting info.
And don't forget how lucky we all currently are. If we had already lost our freedom completely, we would not be here talking like this. To explain,
here's another of my threads..'
And how do they propose to force us over onto the American controlled Internet 2 ?
By pretending that the internet today is insufficient and out of date..
And here's some interesting new news..
Can you honestly believe they'll send this guy to a major prison and mix him with the population there?
Is it not a way of obtaining oil by bad business rather than war?
It would appear attempts to control Iraqs oil failed and so the illegal war on Iraq began again.
The majority of us now know that Saddam had no WMD's or had any part in the 911 attacks. It was all a load of baloney spun to us to allow an illegal
war to take place.