posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:48 PM
FIrst and foremost, My love, light and peace apon you.
Unlike the others, I believe this to be an abduction case.
State of mind or self imposed fears do not reside, they do not come and go, it is constant.
Abductions happen on and off, as research for genetics takes time.
My recommendations to you is is the following:
1) because people typically get implanted with "tags" that record a number of things, including concious thought ect, I recommend you simply State
out loud, when alone, With a strong feeling " it is against my will to encounter the zeta reticulli or draconin race ever again, I call on any beings
of light to protect me, and stop this from occuring ". and from there, rest assured, they will not violate that.
2) Learn that love is the absense of fear, and fear is the absence of love, simply allow love to exsist, and it will conqure any fear you have simply
by making it not exsist anymore.
3) know that they are many that love you, and feel out love, call for help, its important you do this, and remeber this, as it implies your free will
is being violated, and other beings can step in to stop this.
If you want to help, i am here.
AIM: uhmari333