posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Article in Wired
So its been 4 years since the human genome was sequenced.
If you could, would you want to know what diseases you and your children are predisposed too? We will know whether our children are predisposed to
certain traits or talents — athletics or music or languages, etc.....
Companies will take a sample of your DNA, scan it, and tell you about your genetic future, as well as your past. The company will tell you which
diseases and conditions are associated with your genes. A another company, called Navigenics, focuses on matching your genes to current medical
research, calculating your genetic risk for a range of diseases.
For exapmle, you're told you have a genetic variation at rs6983267 that's been associated with a 20 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer. What
do you do?
This is happening as we speak.
We will no longer have the problem of not knowing, but we will face the burden of whether we want to know in the first place.
Here's what I see happening ( if it hasn't already). Matchmaking companies like Eharmony will start matching couples based on DNA !
THat is really scary but on the same token very sensible.
Assuming I was already sequenced and I had the opportunity to "mate" with a "sequenced" partner. We could theoretically create higher life forms.
"aliens" ???