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The Finland Massacre: Another Covert Operation

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posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:42 PM

--The Finland Massacre happened around the time shootings at Crandon, Lousiana, Philidalphea, Austin, and Cleveland happened, and at the time threats/plans in Norway, Germany, Finland, Philidalphea.. Just like Columbine, it happened at around the time of many other incidents.

--There were reports that soldiers and armed military vehicles were present at the school. Just like Columbine, there is odd military presence. Why would they have anything to do with a shooting?

--Auvinen fired at police shortly after noon, and his body was found in the lower lobby area of the school at around 3pm. If he was found in the lower lobby area, and he had already fired at the police, why would it have taken three hours to find his body?

--Why did police not engage the shooter? Were stand down orders issued?

--Auvinen was taking anti-depressants, the same type taken by many other school killers.

--Auvinen said in his video rants that he was a happy person until he suddenly 'woke up' and started thinking dark thoughts. An eyewitness said he systematically moved through the school. His friend told the press that he had no problems in school, yet he had been acting oddly in recent days. MKULTRA?

--It has now been reported that Auvinen and Cossey were in online contact. Cossey's computer was seized after his arrest, weeks before the Finland massacre. If they found data on his computer that gave hints of Auvinen's actions, why did they not prevent the Finland massacre?

--Is it just a coincidence that the massacre happened in Finland, which allowed 15 year olds to have guns and had the third most guns?

--Isn't it strange that the morning right after the massacre, they already had pictures of the shooter being aired on TV?

--Why did the new establishment attended by the students at Jokela have to be under guard?

--Why were students encouraged not to talk to the press?

--Auvinen had a strangely high kill-injure rate, also notable is the report that all the victims had taken headshots. Does this sound like someone who took 3 shots to blow up an apple or a professional shooter?

--CIA fakes sites were on the record implying that Zionists were behind the massacre soon after it happened.


This was a psychological operation. Finland was the perfect environment for carrying out such an operation. The third most guns.. That's the fact that was very widely reported. Why? Because when reported with the Finland massacre news, that will instantly be a connected fact in people's heads. It targets the subliminal mind.

If you don't think that the covert operatives within the government are capable of executing covert operations against schools, then one needs look no further than the massacre at Columbine. As of now, talking of Columbine:

*There are 100+ eyewitness accounts that spoke of more than two shooters.

*Eric Harris' father was a military figure involved in covert projects who was stationed at Plattsburgh Air Force Base with his family before moving to Littleton

*The diversionary bomb at South Wadsworth was not planted by Harris and Klebold, according to eyewitnesses, but what eyewitnesses described as a 'survey crew'.

*Three eyewitnesses saw the ATF inside shooting students.

*Police were ordered to stand down.

*Every investigatory team was headed or co-headed by an FBI agent. The head FBI agent on the case was Dwayne Fuselier, who's son Scott had made a video simulating the massacre years before it happened.

Need more proof? The Crandon Massacre happened around a month before the Finland massacre, and the shooter was a SWAT cop who had been hired on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. He allegedly shot himself three times in the head, which is impossible. Many 911 calls were made, but police took hours to arrive, and they have now refused to release the calls. The arrest record was covered up as well.


This was another covert operation.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 07:02 PM
interesting analysis

i honestly do not know the truth of what really happened, because i wasnt there to see it but.

I will state that i would NOT be surprised if the gov't did it.
I would also, NOT be surprised if it was just a crazy kid doing it.

Either outcome is equally possible and realistic imo.

But with the things going on these days, Its definatly possible it was a covert op. I dont see why not. It fits right in with everything else quite well.

Also, about Columbine, I watched the entire event on TV , in class at school.

For some reason , the teachers all over my school turned on the TV to show us the massacre as it was taking place.

I guess they wanted to mess with out heads.

Ya. it does look like a massive gov't operation honestly. Just based on the fact the only time i watched TV in high school was the Columbine massacre AS it was Happening (on CNN i think).

Thats just my opinion based on circumstance.

There was 3 kids at columbine tho, possibly 4. That was claimed by dozens of witnesses the Day it happened. They were saying it on CNN "witnesses saw a 3rd and possibly 4th shooter".

Why was that covered up? Hmmm...worth thinking about.

Im just letting u know my expierance and how it does seem to fit in with your hypothesis pretty well.

Like i said, it Wouldnt surprise me either way the truth goes here. This world sucks , either way.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by LordCarpainter

You use the word evidence, but posted nothing to support what you say is the real truth. Now I'm not saying anything one way or the other, but I would need more to go on before accepting this just because it says evidence in big bold letters at the start.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
reply to post by LordCarpainter

You use the word evidence, but posted nothing to support what you say is the real truth. Now I'm not saying anything one way or the other, but I would need more to go on before accepting this just because it says evidence in big bold letters at the start.

What do you mean? Do you wish for sources? Sure:

1) Military presence

The Jokela school remained cordoned off by police and soldiers as people left candles nearby. The church where students waited for the attack to be over is open around the clock as a crisis center.

Police lines have been drawn at a distance of about 100m from the school complex. Two Pasi armoured personnel carriers were spotted at a nearby fire station in Tuusula, which is 30 miles north of Helsinki.

2) Cossey-Auvinen Link
(The DA) ...revealed that Dillon Cossey and Finnish teen Pekka-Eric Auvinen had contacted each other about 25 times through Internet postings and instant messages, or IMs.

3) The discrepancy of why it took them 3 hours to find Auvinen's body, when he had already fired at him and was found in the lower lobby area.

The police were called to the school at 11:43 a.m. local time. Officers were on the scene 11 minutes later and tried to talk to the gunman, who fired one shot at them without hitting anyone.

Rescue crews had to evacuate pupils and staff through the windows.

Searchers found the attacker injured just after 3 p.m., according to the Tuusula municipality Web site. The gunman and most of his victims were found in the lower lobby of the building, police said.

4) Anti-depressants and 'woke up'

The video rants are my sources.

5) Police not stopping Auvinen

Of course they didn't stop him. He didn't get stopped. The one who shot Auvinen was Auvinen himself.

6) Finland having the third most guns

Finland has the most guns per capita in Europe, a total of 1.8 million firearms outside of army use in a country of 5.3 million people, according to Amnesty International. That is the third-highest rate in the world after the U.S. and Yemen. Any adult can own a gun if it is registered with a shooting club.

7) Establishment that the Jokela students attended before returning to the old building being under guard

HELSINKI -- Students at the Finnish secondary school where a teenaged gunman last week killed eight people and then himself returned to class Monday, in another establishment and under police protection.

8) Student eyewitnesses being told not to talk

Same article as the one about the new establishment being under guard.

9) Injure-Kill rate

He killed 8 and injured only 1. That's common knowledge. That's a high rate, and many of his friends on Youtube were amazed he shot this well with a .22.

10) CIA Fakes trying to misdirect people with fake 'Zionist' theories

One of the main fake sites out there, which attempts to blame the Jews for damn near everything published this article shortly after the massacre:

Zionists call for gun ban in Finland

This is an indication of a covert op in itself, because the intell is already trying to spin this event.


I did back up what I said: That the Finland Massacre was another covert op. Just like Columbine, Tasmania, etc...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:47 AM
I'd like to hear from some of our users in Finland for the local view on things.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 03:50 AM
1) It's not uncommong for military police to help out the civillian ones in Finland. Even 'normal military' helps out sometimes, our police force isn't huge and sometimes it's necessary.
2) Nothing special about his picture being in the media so fast considering that it was all over the net at the time.
3) High kill-injure rate isn't that odd when he fired multiple shots at each victim. There was 1 gunshot victim that weren't 'finished off' with point blank headshot.
4) The police has access to Pasi vehicles too, those aren't necessarily military.
5) Police protection was because of media, no threat to the students afaik.

You covert op theory is on thin ice at best imho.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:07 AM
i woke up around 11 drank coffey turned the radio on and started reading the news for the day ,around 12-12.20 you could start hearing announcments on the radio of the incident

and i think it ended around 4 when the scene was secured,

they found the the shooter in a broom closes with a fatal wound to his head , .22 just wont kill you that easy ^^ idiot ,

well most the things stated above is true , xcept that i did not recall any military there , was my self in helsinki that they ,
there where pasi vechicles but it was swat team , not military
technicly we dont have a military , we have a defence force, and there is a diffrence''

this is a quote from auvinen ´s manifest he left ,

"Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently."

under aged, full of hate towards the system we ve created , in fear and shock of whats realy happening in the world he took the wrong way out ..

he could have done plenty of things to get his voice heard , but what he did acturly confirms the fact that its a f uped world we ve created , where innocent ppl get the bad end of the stick insted of corrupt goverments or medical / military industrial complexes when ppl just can take more preasure

no logic in his actions ,

as for a good shot , lol , 8 ppl dead 1 injured , more then 69 rounds fired , thats more then half a clip for each person he shot ,
talk about panic, putting 5 round in a person only to see em still alive ,

he had apparently walked from class to classroom and told the pupils that they where free and that they could do anything
dropping the clipp from his gun from time to time laughing hystericly ,

sound like he was just as scared as them on the other side of the barrel ,

there where rumor of 1-3 assasins but eventualy they only found one

reason for the time it took the police to do something was because they did not want to fire at innocent ppl there , but they did a good job in my opinion and that auvinen after he had fired at the police ran and hid him self in a broom closet only to fail at suicide , karma

# happens and it just happens to the innocent ppl

but what struck me the most after the incident was that the medical company that makes the anti deppresant had a huge campain that day going on and of at the radio , advertizing its cures for mankind , same company that make all thouse highschool shooters go mad , its something you cant deny

we in finland did not have Huge or large medical firms before we went in to afganistan , can only speculate at whats in em pills and whos benefitting from this ,

i my self would have take a truck load of manuver and dumped it in front of the parlament to show my discontent towards the world we live in

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by zerbot565
but what struck me the most after the incident was that the medical company that makes the anti deppresant had a huge campain that day going on and of at the radio , advertizing its cures for mankind , same company that make all thouse highschool shooters go mad , its something you cant deny

we in finland did not have Huge or large medical firms before we went in to afganistan , can only speculate at whats in em pills and whos benefitting from this ,

i my self would have take a truck load of manuver and dumped it in front of the parlament to show my discontent towards the world we live in

This is the kind of stuff you can't get w/o having been in the area at the time - thanks for the info !

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565 ...he had apparently walked from class to classroom and told the pupils that they where free and that they could do anything.... ....dropping the clipp from his gun from time to time laughing hystericly
Was this what the eyewitnesses were reporting? It does not appear that racking up a high body count was his main goal.

Originally posted by zerbot565there where rumor of 1-3 assasins but eventualy they only found one

So eyewitnesses were reporting more than one shooter? That would follow the pattern of most school shootings, where they always have witnesses who see other shooters.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
1) It's not uncommong for military police to help out the civillian ones in Finland. Even 'normal military' helps out sometimes, our police force isn't huge and sometimes it's necessary.
2) Nothing special about his picture being in the media so fast considering that it was all over the net at the time.
3) High kill-injure rate isn't that odd when he fired multiple shots at each victim. There was 1 gunshot victim that weren't 'finished off' with point blank headshot.
4) The police has access to Pasi vehicles too, those aren't necessarily military.
5) Police protection was because of media, no threat to the students afaik.

You covert op theory is on thin ice at best imho.

Can you give some examples of military intervention in a local incident? I hardly see it necessary for soldiers to have anything to do with an 18 year old with a gun.

Students were 'encouraged' not to talk, as one article states.

Also, there are other indications of black op. It happened at the same period of time a lot of other shootings/foiled plots happened. The Cossey-Auvinen link. Why it took so long to find his body. The quick move to tighten laws in gun control and school security. The area it happened in. Fake sites spinning the event.

It has the earmarks of a columbine-style covert op.

there where rumor of 1-3 assasins but eventualy they only found one

Where did you hear this? Television? Is there an article out there? This is extremely valuable information.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by LordCarpainter

Military doesn't respond to criminal incidents per se, they just help with things like isolating areas, search and rescue, traffic control etc.
I'm not surprised that the students were encouraged not to talk, the press are vultures. They were stalking the emergency help centers etc. after the incidents.
About the same time with other incidents that could just be coincidence.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by LordCarpainter

Military doesn't respond to criminal incidents per se, they just help with things like isolating areas, search and rescue, traffic control etc.
I'm not surprised that the students were encouraged not to talk, the press are vultures. They were stalking the emergency help centers etc. after the incidents.
About the same time with other incidents that could just be coincidence.

There is coincidence, and then there is just too much to be a coincidence..

-Austin Texas incident

-Crandon Massacre

-Law firm shooting

-Swedish teens arrested for alleged school plot

-Cleveland school shooting

-Villanova University shooting

-Cossey school threat

-School threats in Finland in Maaninka

-School threats in Finland in Kirkkonummi

-School threats in Finland in Tuulsula

-Germany school plot foiled

-Australia school threat

-Norway school threat

There is too much to discount as a single coincidence. Especially seeing as Cossey and Auvinen were linked, and were in contact with each other.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Those Finnish incidents came after the Jokela shooting so it's safe to assume they were copy cats just trying to get attention. Hard to speculate without any other solid link except the timing.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Those Finnish incidents came after the Jokela shooting so it's safe to assume they were copy cats just trying to get attention. Hard to speculate without any other solid link except the timing.

Though, other acts of violence came before, and others were not in Finland, but in Norway, Australia, the US, and Germany. There was already a proven Cossey-Auvinen link, and now they are saying that the police could not rule out a link between the failed plot in Germany to the Finland massacre, but refuse to give details.

The covert operators could have easily staged a 'foiled plot' aftermath psyop, as they have previously orchestrated shooting psyops in Germany. The Erfurt shooting, where there was eyewitness testimony indicating the involvement of two masked men, and not one lone gunman.

Actually, when many incidents related to school violence happen at the same time, it's safe to assume that something is going on, because why would they all start happening at one point of time. Look at Columbine. Starviego has made a list of incidents that happened around the same time it did. The amount is amazing. We see the same thing happening with this case. This is Starviego's list of events that happened around the same time as Columbine:

--Prior to 4-20-99
Chief of Police, McComb, Mississippi said a local trench coater--"carbon copy of Harris and Klebold"--"was doing planning"(of a school shooting?) Chief said the youth was in custody. "It is believed by the chief that there many be some connection."(21111)


"West Metro Fire Investigator Dave Green advised Pomona High School students (Redacted) and (Redacted) arrested on April 17, 1999 with explosives. Also within past month (Redacted) contacted in early AM hours at Pomona High School in fatigues. Claimed to be on maneuvers..... There is no connection with this investigation."(17824)

Note: the "splatter punks", those three guys in black jackets and camo pants seen on national TV being arrested in Clement Park(next to CHS) were initially accused of a planned attack on Pomona High School(same school district as CHS) "based on numerous tips the police received". A 'phony" bomb threat would cause Pomona HS to be evacuated about a week later.


There was a probable planned attack with many similarities to Columbine in far-off Evans High School in Georgia. The Columbia County Seriff's Department in Appling, Georgia questioned two students(Michael Buckner, 15, and an unk youth) on April 19, 1999(the day before Columbine) regarding death threats they reportedly had made at Evans High. Police seized guns at both boys homes as well as computers, and "Excalibur and Samurai-type swords". They both were believed to practice some type of witchcraft, and they participated in LARP war games. They wore trench coats over their all-black outfits with combat boots. [Note that all of these characteristics were shared with the TCM in Colorado.]

The Georgia authorities said there was no connection to the events in Colorado, which was "contrary to many news reports fueled by roumor, that are currently circulating throughout the region." Early local media reports, however, said the two groups were in internet contact or were visiting the same web site.
[FBI Report on Columbine, pg 8]


Employee at Stein Elementary School got voice mail message on 4-19 that she saved for the cops:
"Yes, I'm one of the trench coat robbers, so you idiots and(sic) if you don't give up $10million we're going to kill everybody in the school. You have my warning."
The Stein Elementary Security Office says "It is believed to be young children."


--7:30am on 4-20-99
Bomb found at Highlands Ranch High School(neighboring Douglas County)(7962)

"The sheriff's office also made two arrests in connection with a bomb hoax April 20 at Highlands Park Ranch School.

"Four days after the incident, the sheriff's office charged Ben A. Bennett, 18, and Jonathan Reich, 18, with the possession, use or removal of explosives or incendiary devices--a felony.

"One teen is a student at the high school and the other is a former classmate....

"As new of the shootings at Columbine High School began to spread, rumors began to circulate that the fake bomb was in fact legitimate.

"The bomb was not real" Deputy Kim Stuckenschneider of the sheriff's office said. "It just happened at the wrong time. That had absolutely no connection whatsoever with Columbine. It's just a rumor."
[Douglas County News Press, 4-22-99]

Cops said it was a "hoax".


--11:15am on 4-20
Columbine Massacre begins


--At 1:30pm on 4-20
A gun with ammo is found in the trunk of a student's car at Kiowa High School(Denver metro area). The owner, 17, tried to run away. Cops also said he may have threatened others, and that he vowed revenge.
[ 4-22, see "How tragedy unfolded"]


--8:50pm on 4-20
A theft of four handguns occurs from the Jumbo Sports Store in the town of Lone Tree in Douglas County using smash-and-grab techniques. Arrested later was 18yr old Joel David Freiboth, ex-CHS student at 7700 South Garrison Street and an unidentified 17yr old in the 5800 block of South Garland Way. Four handguns were recovered.

"...the suspects do live in the area and have ties to Columbine High School" according to the Douglas County Sheriff's spokesperson.

"No motive has been established, but one possibility is that they were arming themselves because they were scared and wanted to protect themselves.

"With Freiboth was a 14yr old boy, a student at Columbine who claimed to be a witness to the shooting, authorities said."
[ online) for 4-22-99. Header: "Two CHS students arrested"]

Cops implied it was a "hoax".


In Colorado Springs(70 miles south of Denver), one Shannon Waltz and three other teenagers dressed "as gothics in black trench coats and masks were charged with trespassing after a disturbance wedesday afternoon at Coronado High School." Another report had them armed with 'firecrackers'. Three were students at another high school and one was a dropout.
[ for 4-22, see "Notes from somber days"]

Cops said it was a "hoax".


--4-21 Shutdown of Kennedy High
Manager of a 7-11 near Kennedy High School, she sees 3 males, including one wearing TC(tall, slender, long blonde hair, shoulder length) enter her store at 1:55pm on 4-20, acting 'strange' and 'nervous'. They deny any knowledge of what's going on at CHS. Dana Baylis(8912)

Manager of 7/11 at South Wadsworth and Yukon has video of TCMers from Kennedy High wearing trenchcoats on 4-20-99. Other kids say there will be an incident at Kennedy High on 4-21-99.(19680)

"A 'potential link' to students responsible for the massacre at Columbine High School triggered the shutdown Wedesday(4-21) of Denver's Kennedy High School .... the boundaries of the two schools are adjacent.... However, they said it wasn't a bomb or bomb threat that prompted the school's closure, along with the closure of all ten Denver high schools....denver Lt. Frank Conner said Kennedy was closed primarily because of its proximity to Columbine."--Denver Post, 4-22-99

Kennedy High School student Aaron Ratliff's journal entry dated 2-22- titled "56 days to classified information". (56 days after 2-22 is 4-20-99) He said it referred to pot smoking.--(17854)

-A 15-year-old Kennedy High School freshman was arrested(5-14-99) for allegedly threatening to kill classmates and a teacher and blow up the Denver school. † The youth allegedly told two students about detailed plans to handcuff those on a hit list to desks and "blow their hands off or shoot them in the head," police said. "He also said he was going to go in the hallways and start shooting other students. He said it was going to be Columbine all over again."


Chesterfield, VA, VirginiaRichmond Times-Dispatch, 4/23/99
Two Manchester High School students were charged yesterday with conspiracy offenses in an alleged scheme to manufacture explosive devices and detonate them inside the 2,400-student school with the intent "to kill more than one person." The students, ages 14 and 15, each were charged with conspiracy to manufacture explosive devices and conspiracy to commit capital murder. They're charged with conspiracy to commit capital murder and manufacture explosive devices. Chesterfield County Police said the stolen key and alleged bombing scheme at Manchester High School were not intended to copy the Colorado crimes, instead, the two teens charged were making plans to manufacture bombs long before the Littleton massacre.


R.E. Lee High School, Staunton, Virginia, Richmond Times-Dispatch of 4/24/99
Police arrested a 14-year-old high school student Thursday on a bomb-
making charge after a tipster alerted them to an apparent parallel
with the deadly Colorado school shooting. Prompted by news reports
of the Littleton, Colo., massacre, someone in the Staunton area directed authorities to a Web page the local teen allegedly had set up, the city prosecutor said.

R.E. Lee High School shut down for two days in Staunton, VA area because a student had threatened bombing. He was arrested after a home search turned up a pipe bomb and a floor plan for the school. After the arrest, the rumors were so wild that the school was shut down while it was searched.
From: rwt60 (emailname) *
04/30/99 10:03:12 PDT

[Although the arrest occured on 4-22, the fact that the suspect had a website setup may indicate it was created before 4-20. And what was the "apparent parallel" with Columbine?]


Petersburg, Newport News, and Culpeper, VARichmond Times-Dispatch, 4/24/99
Students have been arrested on a variety of charges in Petersburg,
Newport News and Culpeper in the wake of the deadly shooting in
Colorado that has focused attention on school safety.

Five students arrested in Richmond VA and charged with conspiracy for contemplating a Columbine style attack.
From: rwt60 (emailname) *
04/30/99 10:03:12 PDT

In the Richmond, Virginia, area, at least 13 students have been arrested in recent days for making various threats. One police official said: "I've never seen anything that's quite taken on the hysteria that this has. Rumors are just feeding on themselves ..."


"Two 16-year old males were arrested Thursday(4-22-99) for making bomb threats to Douglas County High School(on 4-21) in Castle Rock(Colorado), according to county officials. They claimed to be members of the Trench Coat Mafia, officials said."(Denver Post, 4-25-99 and FBI-1619)

"Someone called the school about 11am Wedesday and stated: "This is the Trench Coat Mafia and there is a bomb in the building; detonation time three minutes." Investigators got tips from numerous parents and students implicating two boys, a student and a former student, Stuckenschneider said. They were charged Thursday with making false reports of explosives and conspiracy, which are both felonies,...."

"The reason we're pushing so hard for felony coviction on this is so we won't get so many hoaxes," Stuckenschneider said."(Denver Post 4-23-99 and FBI-1619)

Cops think it was a "hoax".


--4-27-99(or before)
"Student found with pipe bomb at Dakota Ridge High School"(18665). Same student arrested a couple of weeks later.

--Shane Neuhouse "provided information on (Redacted's) criminal activity and (his)plans to attack Englewood High School."(21154)


Faye "Rae" Holt, 34, of Westminster(Colorado), the mother of a former Pomona High School student, was arrested(4-30-99) on false reporting and felony menacing charges for bomb scare that forced the evacuation of the school. She is suspected of calling the school on 4-28-99, claiming there were bombs in backpacks and saying "There goes your students. There goes your school. This is not a Joke."

Witness accounts led police to Holt, Arvada police spokeswoman Susan Rossi said.
The task force investigating the Columbine shootings was called in to determine if the threat was connected to the events at Columbine, but police have discounted that, Rossi said. Authorities believe she was just unhappy with the school.
"She had ongoing dealings with the school ... and felt her son did not get treated fairly,'' District Attorney Dave Thomas said.

[I wonder if the name of her kid was Nalty, Akard, or Brunetti]


Rampart Range- Proving ground for teen killers? Unless there's another Rampart Range in the Denver area, this shooting range was also used by another group of Colorado teen killers- the "Operation and Reconnaissance Agents" who in Jan 1, 2001 killed three people in rural Park County. The three teens involved were students at Palmer High School in Colorado Springs, and reportedly used the range to test automatic weapons. This case has many interesting parallels to the Columbine shootings: satanism, study of military tactics, accusations of mind control, a charismatic leader, facsination with knives and swords, etc, etc.

I wonder if they closed the range to prevent it from becoming some kind of tourist attraction to conspiracy theorists.

From the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Final Report-"Findings of the Threats Team"-we read

"IMMEDIATELY after the shooting on April 20, the command post received NUMEROUS reports of additional attacks that were to occur at other schools in the metro area as well as schools outside the state."(emphasis mine)

Based upon the sheer number of these incidents happening on or very near to 4-20, I'd have to say there is a probable connection--and that what was being planned was far more horrific than what actually happened.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565
no logic in his actions ,

as for a good shot , lol , 8 ppl dead 1 injured , more then 69 rounds fired , thats more then half a clip for each person he shot ,
talk about panic, putting 5 round in a person only to see em still alive ,

he had apparently walked from class to classroom and told the pupils that they where free and that they could do anything
dropping the clipp from his gun from time to time laughing hystericly ,

sound like he was just as scared as them on the other side of the barrel ,

According to the media, he had only two ten-round magazines for his gun. He surely did not drop-and-forget either of his clips. We can only guess how and how many times he had planned to load them up in order to use all of his ~400 cartridges. Actually he managed to calmly reload his clips at least six times in the middle of all chaos. Without making any mistakes with the small .22 rimfire cartridges that are much more difficult to handle in a hurry and insert in the clip in a correct order than bigger centerfire calibers. He managed to do this precisely with a gun he had owned for no more than three weeks. Without even having been at his military service yet or having any other prior experience on guns. And then he continued with the killing as if possessed - just like it were the most natural thing for him to do.

A normal schoolboy can't do that. Not even in deep depression.

When I got my first gun for target shooting more than two decades ago at the age of fifteen, I had to go to the police station in Helsinki for an interview by the senior police officer responsible for the gun permits. Actually he asked me many profound questions about the matter and gave me a lecture about the dangers of guns. As if he had tried to talk me over. After all, I would have done that myself had I been in his position.

However, when this schoolboy applied for his gun license, there were no questions asked. His original request for a 9mm gun was changed to .22 in the final permit, but still the senior police officer responsible for admitting/denying the license did not even bother to ask this guy to come to the police station for a brief fifteen-minute chat about the matter before making his decision.

What might have affected his sub-conscious to grant the license without questioning?

But what was even more peculiar were the writings of this schoolboy, especially his Manifesto which has been totally ignored by the Finnish media and most likely the investigators as well. I was able to spot the word "idiocracy" at least four times in his text. Also he mentioned that the less intelligent people breed much more than the clever. Clearly he had seen this very humorous but less advertised Mike Judge movie "Idiocracy", taken it too seriously and even added it to the list of his favorite movies. Or at least that's what it's supposed to look like. I cannot imagine anyone with a bit of a brain to see such a moron-mocking movie as a realistic description of today's world and not as an extremely heavy parody of our possible future instead. And this word "idiocracy" was used by him just a couple of times too often, in my opinion.

It will be extremely easy to blame a movie that few - if any - have seen.

Actually his original text written in English seemed to be grammatically very good, not to mention the Finnish version which he most likely wrote later based on the English one. Most teens in today's Finland don't seem to be able to write any moderately complex text correctly even in their mother tongue any more, and definitely not in any foreign language. But this boy was an exception.

As if he had been fed his words by someone.

After all, who knows?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Hobbymat

We cant really speculate how well he did his reloading etc. since were not witnesses. He wasn't a 'normal schoolboy' to beging with.
I'm not surprised that he wasn't interview when getting his gun. If that's the case to beging with. None of the people I know who have guns have been interviewed afaik.
LordCarpainter: you can assume what you desire, but without any solid evidence I'd advice against that

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:31 PM
"Applications for firearm permits must always be submitted to a police station in person. The police assess the applicant's personal characteristics by interviewing him or her. In addition, the police assess the applicant's suitability to possess a firearm, his or her way of life, behaviour and possible mental health problems."


If Auvinen was not interviewed personally by the police it would seem to be a major breech of protocal. Hobbymat, what is the source for your claim that Auvinen was not personally interviewed?

I also noticed that much of the language in Auvinen's 'manifesto' seemed rather advanced for a high schooler with a couple of years of English instruction at most, with words like "Gaussian distribution," "Collective Deindividualization," "institutional structures." He also used the word 'retarded' or 'retard' like eight times.

In addition, some of his phrases come straight out of the writings of Columbine shooter Eric Harris:

"I am actually godlike" "I am self-aware" "Hate, Im so full of it and I love it."

Strangely, his compulsion to leave his thoughts in the English language mirrors that of GSS shooter Sebastian Bosse(Emsdetten, Germany) who videotaped his own manifesto in very proficient English, using the phrase "I am godlike" also.

[edit on 25-11-2007 by starviego]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Hobbymat

We cant really speculate how well he did his reloading etc. since were not witnesses. He wasn't a 'normal schoolboy' to beging with.
I'm not surprised that he wasn't interview when getting his gun. If that's the case to beging with. None of the people I know who have guns have been interviewed afaik.
LordCarpainter: you can assume what you desire, but without any solid evidence I'd advice against that

With psywar, solid evidence is well covered up. Already, eyewitnesses are being told not to go public. But indications are left behind, like the fact that the massacre happened in Finland. Nothing much has ever happened there in relation to school violence for a long time, but now a massacre happens there at a time when the US is plagued by school violence, and Auvinen turns out to have a documented link to one of the would-be shooters in the US. And Finland had light gun laws, and had the third most guns in the world.

There is solid evidence. The timeline discrepancy. The Auvinen was found in the lower lobby area, police arrived at around 11:54, Auvinen fired at them soon afterwards. They found him at 3:00. Why would it take 3 hours to find one guy who had shot at them who was found in the lower lobby area? Should there be a failure to answer this question, then it is conclusive proof of a cover-up on the part of authorities who were on the scene. It is a missing gap of time. 3 hours. Though, to properly understand this discrepancy, a time of when he shot himself would need to be found.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:18 AM
The fact that it happened in Finland is just another sign of Fins following the 'western culture' which we have always done. Especially with global media, entertainment and internet this was bound to happen sooner or later.
The time issue isn't that much of surprise considering that the police didn't go in there storming. They aired on the side of caution.

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