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What gear do you carry?

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posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 10:45 AM
This is less of whats in you pack and more of what kind of pack do you have. There is alot of discussion on bug-out-bags and what makes up a survival kit. Not to interested in that as there are plenty of these topics. I was wondering what kind of tent/shelter you use. What is your favorite pocket knife. Whats the best pack that you have come across, etc. Some of us are new to these topics and it helps to get some kind of feel for the actual types and brands that have been proven over and again. Feel free to post picks of your gear!

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:09 AM
Great idea for a post!

There does seem to be alot of discussion in the lines of "what do you carry" in your bag, and such, being a somewhat seasoned (youngster) to backpacking and hiking, and an outdoorsman at heart I do enjoy a good chat about equipment in general.

As of lately, I have been trying to adopt the keep it simple rule... and at the same time trying to reduce my pack weight and go with multifunction gear. I might not be alot of help as far as brandnames that work. I'm not one of those northface wearing hikers if you know what I mean, at least not now.

I started out with an old external frame pack, loaded with upwards of 35 lbs of useless gear. My pack itself probably weighed in at 4lbs dry. No shelter, no food or water. Since I had always stayed within the close proximity of a group, where the latter two were available and had no need to hike more than 3 miles in a day... the system worked.

When I got to thinking about the possibles and the need for a true bug out pack, things changed dramatically, and I'm still in the revision mode with my setup right now... trying not to sacrifice the durability and usage to weight factor.

Are you looking at this as far as a pure SHTF scenario type sit? I just have to ask. I am working on a few projects right now that may be of interest as far as that goes.


posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:39 AM
I agree wit the above poster, this is a great thread topic for introducing people to some of the basic concepts of back-packing, a star to the man who began it!

As the above poster (sorry i am bad with names) has already hinted at weight is the central theme to most long distance hikers. People get all wacky over ounces, seriously.

I am not a long distance hiker. I love in northern New Mexico and I do love hiking and camping so I can share a few things with you that I like.

For a stove I carry a Whisperlite International. It can burn a assortment of fuels and is small and lite.

I just upgraded to a Katadyn water filter from my old school Sweetwater.

For cooking ear I carry a set of 3 pots and a spork.

For Tents and Bags my new favorite company is Big Agnes.

For backpacks your on your own, mine is trash and I am not sure what I am going to do next. My friends all Love Dana Designs, you might check that out.

Oh ya, dont forget that your boots are what keeps you trekkin'.

I hope that this is kind of helpful.


posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Umbrellas for survival?

I've been getting back to into fell-walking these past few weeks and have realised that as well as the basic kit that I carry in my rucksack, a sturdy umbrella would be an ideal addition for a few good reasons...

1) As a 'walking shelter' and held out in front of you when the wind picks up and drives rain into your face when out on the fells on a foul day

2) As a temporary stationary shelter when you stop and try and make a brew on a hexamine stove (saves on fuel used to boil the water too)

3) Camouflage (as long as your brolly isn't brightly coloured)...can be used to drape a ghillie-net over and totally disguise any human-figure outline to those on the ground or in the air

4) As a walking-aid for rough terrain or support in the event of a foot/ankle injury

5) Tipped with a sharp-point could be used as a thrusting-weapon

Though ideally what I'd like to see available as a 'survival brolly' is one that has a reflective mylar covering on the inside that could be used as a parabolic solar-cooker, has a hollow handle that could hold a basic compact survival kit (button compass/wire-saw/etc) and a detatchable stem that could be unscrewed once the brolly is unfurled so it would make an instant roof over a fox-hole shelter (with the mylar reflecting lost bodyheat back into the fox-hole). The whole thing wouldn't weigh much more than a conventional brolly and would be indistinguishable from your run-of-the-mill commuter model...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by citizen smith
Umbrellas for survival?

Some people may laugh at this suggestion, but it is sound. Many years ago when I completed the jungle Warefare Cadre in Belize it was common practice to carry a small folding umberella in a bergen for the radio op. Anyone who has worked in the jungle will tell you how difficult it is to keep anything dry.

If the radio was damaged or a piece of wiring had to be exposed for any reason (our radios at the time were pretty poor), the umberella kept the cr@p out of the workings while it was quickly repaired. It was also a quick and useful shelter for the section commander when a snap O group was called, keeping maps etc dry. The umberella was quicker to collapse and stow than a poncho if the O group was bumped. We probably looked a bit daft, but it really worked.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:17 AM
My gear bag is more of a "lets go to war" type bag, I have a gas mask,spare filters (nbc), Binoculars, ammo,drop leg holster,flashlight's(surefire of course) and little stuff here and there. I really dont have a pack for survival stuff like food water and so on, with my family size, the most any bag would be good for is maybe acouple of days at the least, My bag sits on the floor beneath my tactical vest, bullet proof vest, and next to my safe, next to my mre's and water cans. I started my what I call "tac-pack" after seeing what was going on in new orleans, If somthing big happens where I live and im forced to defend my property against scumbags looking for tvs, or the "man" comes around then all I do is grab my bag and im ready to hit the green light.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Very good idea with the" Brolly" hehehe...I have been using an old Danish ruck for many years, canvas single bag with two side pockets, maybe alittle small, but I have gone a week living out of it on wilderness hunting trips. I use a hammock and thin rainfly for shelter, Wiggley sleeping bag, Bates Boots, mini sternos for a quick cup of tea/coffee, get a good made knife and dont use it for a screwdriver or pry bar, Gerber and the LB series of Schrade are good knives.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by PaddyInf
We probably looked a bit daft, but it really worked.

Not daft...just terribly British

Toodle-pip and all that...

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:26 AM

I've used North Face "Mountain 25". It's an expedition grade mountaineering tent (supposedly on the lighter side, though). It's designed to withstand high winds. I've been buried in it under quite a bit of snow, and it held admirably. Pretty warm. If you are OK with not-so-featherweight gear, want to have extreme cold/wind capability and have cash to spare, you can't go wrong with this one.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:46 AM
I always carry a leatherman tool in one variation or another, coupled with a Chris reeves brand Sebenza linerlock knife.[Expense will keep this out of most peoples range but it is well worth the money] They can be carried almost anywhere. For quick shelter a U.S. surplus army poncho is the most versatile thing available. Remember knowledge is king. It is not what you have but what you can do with it!



posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:50 AM
I carry a Camelback HAWG it carries 3 liters of water and has lashing and molle attachment points all on the bottom and the face of the back..

For a blade I carry a small cheap Gerber folder in my pocket a Gerber Gator in a pouch on my belt
and a 10" Ontario knives bowie type drop point type blade..
(I know there are mixed opinions on gerber but they have worked hard and served me well..)(you should check out the ontario knives also they are fantastic and particularly fantastic for the price the sheaths suck but who cares)

I also carry a Leatherman WAVE Multi-tool

Shelter for me is a US Military issue Poncho makes a great tarp long lasting
and goes over you and your pack when raining.

The sleeping bag here is a Kelty Cold Creek 0 degree bag
and a sleeping pad that I have cut down to fit my body to reduce weight..

The stove I carry when camping is solid fuel tablet stove this I only use for camping in SIT-X I wouldn't carry one at all cause you can burn wood
and the stove no matter how light requires added weight for fuel and room that could be used to store food and medication..

As far as fire goes I know someone is gonna say fire can be seen from far away my answer to that is dig a hole and burn the fire in the hole that way at most you will get smoke which goes away after a short time unless you are burning green (you shouldn't be) wood. This type of fire is not visible from far away as far as smoke goes wait until after dark to light the fire and collect wood you need while still light..

Wanted to add also that if you learn things about how to start fires in the wild with out modern convenience you will be much better off it is inevitable that someone will steal your fancy backpack and all the gear inside then what do you do..

I will also be carrying a Marlin Model 60 .22 cal rifle in SIT-X I know some will disagree with this but the ammo is light can be found all over as most gun owners have at least 1 22 of some kind good for finding a meal when all else fails and if needed could be used to help defend yourself (I prefer hide and wait till they are gone method) against any attackers...

anyway most of the stuff inside the pack are tools of multiple use so they serve more than one purpose..

I pack in different levels my camelback that never leaves my side
then if I have a vehicle some creature comforts for the wife and more tools to make life easier as well as a very extensive first aid kit. but in the pack are the things I need or prefer to have to make a minimal existence bearable..
The wife has pack to carry also that is mostly identical..

sorry for the long post

[edit on 11/26/2007 by geocom]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:54 PM
I've also a added a few rolled up garden-garbage-bags (similar to black bin bags but far stronger) to my pack...

1) Makes a waterproof outer to any sleeping bag

2) Can line a deep pit for storing a good few gallons of water for a longer-term camp

3) One pulled up each leg and secured with twine makes for waterproof waders for water crossing (up to groin-depth)

4) Used to fill with backpack and clothes and used as a bouyancy device for crossing deeper water where you need to swim

(the last two could mean the difference between dry clothes and warmth or wet clothes, hypothermia and death)

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by citizen smith

Amen to that the lawn type garbage bags are a lifesaver the poncho can be used for many of the same functions however the weight to use ratio makes this an additional Item worth carrying..

I also carry 3-4 2.5 gallon zip lock bags they are huge but carry water well in a pinch also keep any flint tinder or ammo dry very well..

Thought I might add to my first post that I never ever carry the 10" blade in town or even on short hikes near home or in a park. only when going into the woods for several days doing so could get you in a great deal of trouble..


[edit on 11/26/2007 by geocom]

[edit on 11/26/2007 by geocom]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Yep, aside from being multi-use the good 'ole trashbag definately has been a great life saver indeed. Remember that humans can survive for weeks with little to no food, and a few days without water, but can succumb to the elements rather quickly. A wet and cold body is not a good thing to have in the backcountry for sure.
Here is a few essentials I always have in my pack/bob.
With regard to the original post, and for clarity.. many items are omitted from this list, as said below.
By any means do not accept this list as "what you should have" just because I do. Remember every individual and needs may differ, so do the situations and terrains.

Shelter is always one of the top priorities in most situations, so it makes sense to carry something that can be conformed to a wide variety of needs depending on the climate and terrain. (assuming there is no chances of finding a natural shelter nearby) That is why I myself stick to the tried and true tarp system. This can be as simple a an inexpensive 8x10 poly-tarp found at almost any hardware store, to milspec combination poncho/tarps to more costly silicon coated nylon tarps designed specifically for shelters. I haven't had much experience in the latter category, simply because I'm a pretty cheap guy, and I try to think lightweight and multi-purpose with all my gear. That being said, mind you... the downsides of a tarp is it's no easy affair to the novice (and I'm not a pro either) to pitch properly to give good protection from elements, tarp shelters are a bit less forgiving than a high zoot expedition tent. I probably wouldn't want to have a tarp shelter if I'm in an extreme winter zone, but it will be better than nothing for sure.
It also dosen't give you alot of protection from creepy crawlies and flying critters... but if it is a SHTF scenario, those mosquitos might be the least of your worries.

The upsides to the tarp as a shelter are many, it's light, easily stowable and can double in purposes depending on the situation. If it gets soaking wet during a torrential downpour, it is pretty easy to dry out... and you can stash it somewhere it won't get the rest of you soaked in the process. Tarps can be set up in some very awkward places, and depending on the natural terrain, one might use it to enhance a previously existing natural shelter. The tarp can be folded up and battoned down if the weather is extreme, or open and airy if it is clear, it is also much easier to break camp when needed and the tarp also presents a low-profile if set up properly. I have slept under a tarp shelter many times, and have sucessfully cooked dinner on my campstove in one. With some practice the tarp provides some excellent opportunites for shelter, and if the situation arises and you have an injury of some sort, you can erect some decent cover with minimal effort. Try any of that with a high zoot (high dollar) expedition tent. If you can't find your poles.... what do ya do? Find a couple sticks to pitch with, and what if you don't have anything to stake it with? Carry a bit or cordage and tie the tarp around some heavy rocks to use as anchors. By the way, I'm not a gram shaver here, but did I mention it is lightweight?

As always, do your research first... field test it later, make sure you aren't without a backup plan and see if it works for you. Look up tarp camping on the net if you want to get into it. It all comes down to ingenuity, skill and usability IMHO.


[edit for speeling and grammer]

[edit on 29-11-2007 by telemetry]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 03:06 PM
On me at all times:

Lock blade pocketknife
Lock blade boxcutter
2 lighters
P-51 (bigger then the P-38) can opener

In my trunk:

My BoB
Small first aid kit
Marlin .22 Papoose take down survival rifle
Brick of .22 ammo

Things I'm planning on adding:

I'm thinking about changing out the papoose for a Henry Repeating Arms Survival .22 or the Mossberg JIC package. Though I'm not 100% sure. The Henry .22 has a massive stock (for fitting the entire rifle in it) that is very uncomfortable, and the Mossberg has a pistol grip which I am horribly inaccurate with when it comes to shotguns.

I want to add a side arm to my "in the trunk kit", and am currently considering a revolver of some type, so I can load and pretty much forget about it until I need to use it, and not have to worry about misfeeds from a bad magazine spring, that may happen with an automatic.

I didn't add the contents of my BoB, mainly because that would be a large list (I don't feel like typing it up, I'm being lazy today), and is really for the BoB thread. If someone wants to know I'll type up the inventory.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 03:56 PM
hey drop,
I wouldn't get rid of the papoose. It is small lightweight and accurate.[at least for a takedown]I carry one myself sometimes and it will almost always put meat on the table. Mine too stays in the trunk next to bob.



posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 12:31 PM
My in the trunk kit is my "get home if I can" kit. Once (if) I get home I have my Mosin Nagant (and soon a Saiga AK) waiting for me with plenty of ammo. Those are my family bug out guns, I will keep the .22 (after getting to play around with the Henry I am sticking with the Marlin, the Henry is definately not for me) on me broken down, most likely attached to my pack.

And just to stop anyone from calling me militant or anything, the higher caliber weapondry is for taking down game for survival, not to shoot other people. The only time that I would resort to that option is if someone was intent on harming me or the ones I love. I am not wanting to go to war, I am wanting to survive.

I figured out what my revolver is going to be, I'm going with a .38. I can get one used in good condition well within the constraints of my budget.

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