posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:52 AM
1979 paper from the university of california's los alamos scientific laboratory about the results of exploding a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere.
they were concerned with the amount of light given off and whether this could be used to detect and differentiate a natural event from an atmospheric
the results of a bomb test on may 1st 1952 in nevada are given alongside graphs of the light emitted. it gives a detailed description of what exactly
happens when a bomb is detonated. it concludes that they can spot the difference between natural and unnatural light signals (nuclear explosions give
off two peaks of light) and so that they can detect future tests. this four page document will interest many who have ever wondered what happens when
an atom bomb is exploded or a general interest in physics.
[edit on 22-11-2007 by justyc]