posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 11:09 PM
35 Million I find that hard top believe. Thats like 1 in 8.
First of all in the U.S. you can apply for assistance from the state. In most cities where you see homelessness, its not because shelters are full, in
fact a lot of them are empty. Most homeless people are either addicts that choose not to work because they can keep the party going by hustling and
panhandling, or the people are mentally ill.
Now I have seen some really poor areas in various states like Alabama, Mississippi, etc.
Now I am sure a lot of people on ATS that live in states around large population areas can attest to this, epecially if they live in the St Louis,
Take East St. Louis, IL, Or large portions of Downtown St. Louis, Mo. or North City in St. Louis, Mo. for example.
Most of these people are under 35 able to work, in fact some of them do work but still collect the govt. assistance!
Tons of inner city poor. A large amount of the population lives apartments or houses being paid for by the state and collecting govt assistance in the
form of food and money, but have the latest greatest hip hop clothing, 22" Rims on their DUBS, and SUVs, Cellphones, Cable, Big Screen TVs, Xboxes,
etc. What money they get they waste on crap like that, a lot of them sell their food stamps. And most are really overweight. They dont save
BTW most of the people below the poverty line has heat, airconditioning, and lives in a apartment or house that would be on par in size of what middle
class Europe lives in.
A large amount of these people are living better then the middle class because of all the taxes to support all these people living on the govt. dole.