posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Togetic
My idea of the way this works is far from fanciful. The Constitution is written in plain English and very candidly. If one has a rudimentary command
of the English language and proper reading comprehension skills, all of the laws and guidelines in the document are painfully obvious.
It was written this way in order to keep people
from interpretting it, this way they could use it to interpret subsequent laws.
As a general idea, if the laws, principles, and rights laid out in our Constitution are open to interpretaion than the document itself holds no legal
weight in any court of law. This was not meant to be a poem or some type of philosophy that is open to "interpretation," all Constitutions and
Charters are designed to "define or outline" the limits of government, and rights afforded to it's people. In other words, they are created to
gauge what the governing body can impose as law and what freedoms people are entitled to at minimum.
If government was allowed to interpret Charters and Constitutions then any form of Democratic-Republic could not exist.
One could iterpret the laws to mean what ever they fancy at the time; and if the law allowed this then they would be well within their legal power to
imprison and torture at will. (oops, sorry Mr. Bush) Get the point.
As I said before we have been trained to see things this way because it makes it easier to subjugate the population. If any group of men are allowed
to dictate to the people what a Charter/Constitution means to them then it has no practical purpose. It isn't even worth the paper it is written on.
As in science there must be a control or constant. Our Constitution is the scientific control in the "American Experiment."