Originally posted by PersonFromPorlock
Yes, thousands [of] sports fans and no cameras: the year was 1954, so nothing out of the ordinary....
Granted, fewer people back then had cameras, and fewer still in Italy... but no cameras? There wasn't a single American tourist or rich
Italian or news photographer in the crowd? That just beggars the imagination.
Allow me to help your imagination...
Ok, yes, there WAS one camera there. But if the one person with a camera:
-was in shock & awe
-had his film confiscated by authorities or stolen/damaged
-never released his photo for fear of ridicule or harassment
-ran out of film moments before
-forgot his film that day
-put his camera back in the car after he ran out of film
-left his camera at his seat and was en route from the restroom or food cart
-his camera broke earlier
-none of the pictures developed well, showing no visible UFO due to some malfuntion of the camera or light damage to the film
-he was so surprised to see a real live UFO, that he left the lens cap on
-he was so surprised to see a real live UFO, that he forgot to put in a new roll of film, and by the time he noticed, and found his film and replaced
it, they were gone
-he was in the john at the time and barely got out in time to even see them at all or didn't see them at all
-he showed up late, and was in the parking lot waking toward the stadium and the angle was such that the stadium itself blocked the view of the UFOs
and by the time HS got in there, they were gone. Everyone was all excited and had the strangest look on their face and he was all like "What? What
happened?? Is there something on my face?"
-the guy with the camera was in a back room, snorting some blow, listening to Night Ranger. Motorin'!
-he was deeply religious and felt it was his duty to immediately pray, manmade cameras were the farthest thing from his mind at the moment
-he felt that his time would be more valuably spent watching and taking in this once-in-a-lifetime experience with his own eyes rather than through a
camera, since he never knew when they might go away
-at that moment he could've cared less about stopping to take a picture just so that, 60 years later some jerk could try to point out how fake it
looks and call him a liar and a hoaxer.
Ok, I just came up with those possibilities off the top of my head, so... I do not believe you when you say that it boggles your mind or whatever.
And I really don't get why people always assume that your first thought would be to take a picture as soon as something out of the ordinary happens.
I would think that my first instinct would be to keep my eyes on it the entire time. Why do I need to worry so much about other people and whether or
not they believe me? Screw them, I get to be there experiencing it, so I'm going to get as much out of it as I can, because that will be more
valuable in the long run than some photo that's been hurriedly taken while in a state of shock n awe, so the lighting conditions, camera settings,
among other things will probably not be perfect.
And a picture does not prove anything anyway... We've SEEN pictures. So its either you believe the person or not. The picture could be faked. No
matter how real it looks, it could still be a cardboard cutout or paper meche, or whatever... Trust me, if he had gotten a photo, you would not be any
more impressed. There are plenty of impressive photos already out there...