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Healthy eating only for the rich?

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posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 11:08 PM
it's all part of the depopulation plans that are in place. this is just one, of thousands of methods, to kill off those who are "have nots." excellent thread by the way.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by MacSen191

The problem is mostly due to what type of food we eat. Most people do not relize that apprx. Between 60% and 70% of the processed foods we eat contain corn syrup not to mention preservatives and additives.

Do not take my word for it read the labels the next time you go grocery shopping. Diabetes is an epidemic that is and will stretch to the limits our health care system in this country. You guessed it the incredients in our processed food chain is the culpret. My opinion as well as many others is that corn syrup being added to the manufacturing and formulation of our foods we purchase and consume is one of the main reasons for the astronomical increase in diabetes.

50 years ago diabetes was not that common place now expect 1 out of five to come down with the disease in their lifetime. Yes today our foods we grow are depleted of minerals because we are using the same farm lands to grow our crops over and over and no matter what we add back to the soil it still does not contain the minerals we had in the soil years ago.

Since the discussion is Healthy eating only for the rich I tend to agree somewhat that it does pertain to your pocketbook. Myself I have found an alternative I supplement my diet with a organic 100% natural beverage that comes from the Moringa tree called Zija. Zija taste like pineapple and contains over 90 different cell ready nutrients with 30 grams of a proprietary blend of organically grown Moringa leaf, fruit and seed. The world calls the Moringa the "Miracle Tree", "Mothers Best Friend" or "Happy Tree".

If you want to do some more research on Zija and the Moringa tree go to when you go to for research be sure to type in Moringa tree. Rik Riley

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Enrikez

Because someone is not an expert on eating, they are lazy? Here is something for you guys to chew on.

Not everyone can be an expert on everything. We as consumers and citizens expect at least a degree of transparency when it comes to the goods and services we purchase.

I agree that there is rampant deception. Everyone knows fast food is bad for you, but people assume that foods sold in their local grocery store will be decent for them, and I think at that level, blame can be also placed on the manufacturer. People should be able to buy spaghetti sauce and not have to worry that it's filled with corn syrup and MSG. People should not have to worry that MSG is disguised under 12 different names. People should not have to worry when a label says "0 Trans Fats" that it really DOES contain trans fats.

The problem is that NOTHING sold in a grocery chain is good for you. And manufacturers go the extra distance to sell people food that is marketed as "good for you" but is utter crap. This is a major problem and should be addressed. It's a scam, period.

I liked your stock analogy. If a broker sold a stock or mutual fund as a "sound, stable investment.. relative" and, in fact, it was the complete opposite, that would be fraud.

I usually side in favor of personal responsibility, but it is definitely a scam.

However... what we put into our bodies is the most important thing in the world, IMO. I'm not a nutrition major, a guru, or anything close. I just realize the importance of food. This point was lost in our society somewhere along the line of time. If you believe in the "man behind the curtain", it makes perfect sense that our society would be conditioned to ignore this key piece of information. If you believe, as I do, that our society is being purposely dumbed down and made to believe we as beings are nothing compared to our true powers, it makes perfect sense.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 07:45 PM
I believe the reason for this is that fat, lazy, depressed, below average intelligence populace is much easier to control and manipulate. As opposed to healthy, happy, and well educated populace. Anyways thats my two cents.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by Osyris]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Enrikez
Not everyone can be an expert on everything. We as consumers and citizens expect at least a degree of transparency when it comes to the goods and services we purchase.

This is an excuse. Everyone should be an expert about basic nutrition. It's not hard and the information is fairly easy to find. We're not talking about an inanimate object here, we're talking about lives.

If you were to byuy stocks from a broker, you wouldn't have to be an expert on trading, or an expert on trading laws to assume that the stock you are buying is real and actually exists, right?

If the result were that you lose your life if your broker lost you money, I bet everyone would get involved in those stock picks a bit more.

Do you expect everyone who owns a car to understand everything their mechanic does?
Of course not. But you know enough about your car that you won't put the wrong gas in the car.

Some posters on here may know everything there is to know about protiens, they may even be leading research into things no one knows about them yet, but they may not be able to locate the tire iron or know which way to turn a lug-nut. They may not know how to do their own brake-job, or change their own oil.

Another excuse for being lazy. Sorry but true.

They may not understand financing and the ins and outs of variable rate mortages.

Another excuse

They may not understand MSG, trans-fats, or hormonally enhanced foods.

It doesn't mean they are lazy.

Yes it does.

It only means that they are being scamed. Transparency needs to exist, especially where our health is concerned.

admitadly nutrition labels are not super clear but this is your body and your childrens body.
Every adult knows that eating fast food all the time is bad for you.
Everyone knows that being very over weight is bad for you.
Yet many americans are morbidly obese from eating fast food all the time and not exercising.

I'm sure everyone knows that brown rice and brocoli would be a fine healthy diet, but we live in the real world here.

These items are available in the real world and can be prepared in the same amount of time as many microwave dinners.

People want to eat food that appeals to them, they want to be able to trust that the food produced for them won't end up killing them. Just as they want to know that the $1, 500 they just spent to fix their vehicle is actually because there was something wrong with it.

And they have that right. It's not lazy to expect not to be taken advantage of.

Sorry but people know better. Again every adult has seen or heard news reports about fast food and knows what it does to their bodies.

Lets be honest here. You decide what you put into your body. Nobody is pretending big macs are health food.

In less then one hour, anyone can learn enough about basic nutrition to make good choices for the rest of their lives.

Here are some basics almost everyone already knows:
1. Most people already have a basic grasp as to what is good and bad for them.
2. Most people know that the more you sit on your butt, the more likely you are to get fat.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by jfj123

You seem to be under the assumption that people who are getting fat are eating fast food. I do not think this is always true. It's VERY easy to be unhealthy and overweight when you actually cook your own meals and THINK you're eating well. Of course everyone knows that fast food is bad for you.... but spaghetti sauce? bread? veggies/fruit void of nutrition? soup? They're all bad for you if you buy them from big grocery chains.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by urbal
reply to post by jfj123

You seem to be under the assumption that people who are getting fat are eating fast food. I do not think this is always true. It's VERY easy to be unhealthy and overweight when you actually cook your own meals and THINK you're eating well.

Oh no of course not, I was just using that as an example because it is easily relateble.

Of course everyone knows that fast food is bad for you.... but spaghetti sauce? bread? veggies/fruit void of nutrition? soup? .

Many spaghetti sauces are actually very good. Low fat, low sodium, etc. and most of containers I've seen are very easy to read.
Veggies and fruits are not devoid of nutrition. This is just an incorrect statement.
Bread-breads are just fine for the most part. There are only a few breads on the market that are higher in fat.
Soup-There are many good soups on the market and they're easy to find.

They're all bad for you if you buy them from big grocery chains

This is simply a false statement. If you think I'm wrong, all you need to do is look at the nutrition labels on the back of the packages and you'll know I'm right.
Thanks for you post.

[edit on 1-12-2007 by jfj123]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 11:51 AM
Healthy eating is indeed for the rich. Not for your average or below average person.
Try eating all organic in America...gonna $$$ you!

When I was in Atlanta I visited Whole Foods, but it was never my 'grocery store' - couldnt afford it. (and I was paid a decent wage, albeit I had a large family.)

I did shop at a farmers market that ended up getting an all organic produce for about half of that of Whole Foods, and I was able to go totally organic for the family.

I even bought Coho and sockey salmon for like $3 per pound vs. Whole foods $9-12 per pound. (Been a couple years...) Of course I bought it in bulk that is why it was cheaper there...but Whole Foods is a luxury...nice, but indeed not a poor mans place.

And other farmers markets were not really that great. Never liked the Harry farmers markets that Whole foods bought out. The one I am mentioning is the Inernational Farmers market (for those in Atlanta that want organic at a more affordable price, knowing that it has been 2 years since I have shopped there...who knows what has changed.)

In Europe, same thing.

The Brit story 'Penny' here in my small city in Hungary, took all their crap food and made it the first thing you see as you walk in. Originally it was the cabbage, fish, etc.
Now you have fluff chips of a no name quality, that glow at night, staring at you in your face - greeting you as you come in.

The organic stores here are over priced, and Tesco has no organic.
Tesco has different size stores and our new one has no organic at all.

I laughed when I read a news article saying that Tesco would be an organic competitor to Whole Foods in London. These people never visited whole foods and have no concept of the world of organic cooking. They are clueless that tofu can actually taste like your eating a regular cooked meal at a nice restaurant.

But, the fact is, why is it that the average person only has junk accessible to them?
They have coupons to by the flour fluffs with chemicals 'eiou;
which make them light up at night. What gives? It truly is disappointing.

Why does everything have to have something added to it? Its actually cheaper than if they dont add something to it - and Im not talking organics now.

Buy an apple it will cost you. Buy some apple type product that has 1% apple and 99% flavoring and its free. Well, you say cause its cheaper to manufacture chemicals that can make 1 billion different taste...and I say, whatever.

What can be done? Well, do what you can. Dont stress about it. I notice that when you relax things seem to work out. Start out with what you can, as the old saying goes 'seek and you will find'.



posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by urbal
You seem to be under the assumption that people who are getting fat are eating fast food. I do not think this is always true. It's VERY easy to be unhealthy and overweight when you actually cook your own meals and THINK you're eating well. Of course everyone knows that fast food is bad for you.... but spaghetti sauce? bread? veggies/fruit void of nutrition? soup? They're all bad for you if you buy them from big grocery chains.

People get fat because of what is in the foods...the additives.
I ate at whole foods and did not loose weight.

I then stopped eating one meal, the one that my work place catered which was 'healthy' (still additives) and I dropped the weight in a month. This is serious. People could tell the difference and my pants didnt fit any loose.

People find it hard to believe that you can eat what you want and not get fat.
And they also have a harder time thinking that the little bit of this will keep the weight on you. They have additives that just a little bit will take you 16 light years to get off.
Seriously though...there is some weird stuff in items you would not expect.

Educate yourself...see what is working and not working with the human body, and then adjust accordingly as you can afford, as I said in my last post. As you change - change will happen, and something will work out despite your financial situation. As mentioned, the 'life' seems to work out for those who truly want the change and 'seek with all their heart'.

Got to stop believing labels that everything that says it is healthy is.
All grocery stores are basically crap...even the health stuff.

Even in Whole Foods, there were items you had to watch for if you understood what you were in things. But by far, it was like night and day to any other store.

Again, try with your local farmers market...use Whole foods as a guide as what you can do with the foods when prepared. Their hot bar section is pretty creative for ideas in this regards.

Eating healthy doesnt always have to equate being rich...or boring. It does require a desire, for course on your part, and creativity.



posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by dAlen

People get fat because of what is in the foods...the additives.
I ate at whole foods and did not loose weight.

Actually, the only reason people get fat is if they consume more calories then they burn.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by dAlen
Healthy eating is indeed for the rich. Not for your average or below average person.
Try eating all organic in America...gonna $$$ you!

I have a cast iron dutch oven to my right as I sit here and read...

In the bottom of the pot is what is left over from two days of lunch and dinner for my wife, my co-worker, and myself.

Ingredients... organic barley (99c/dry pound), organic adzuki beans (99c/dry pound), salt, 1 home grown hot pepper, and some home grown collard greens... both grown in clay pots on my front porch.

2 days, 2 meals per day, 3 hungry brick demolition workers.

100% organic, healthy eating, USA.

Cooked on wood scraps over a hobo stove.


15 tons of historic brick archways carefully removed and stacked square at ground level

Still eatin' on it.

Sri Oracle

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Enrikez
I think there is a major fallacy in what a lot of people here are posting and no one is calling them on it.

It's the 'eating healthy is easy' arguement. 'posting on the internet, you could have made a salad instead' mind-est.

Because someone is not an expert on eating, they are lazy?

yes, lazy because they haven't taken the time to consider the foods they ingest. It's not that hard really. Most people waste more time between the internet, tv and daydreaming than they do on cooking or planning meals. Probably most of the people complaining on here about not having enough time.

If you were to buy stocks from a broker, you wouldn't have to be an expert on trading, or an expert on trading laws to assume that the stock you are buying is real and actually exists, right?

difference being, you are still going to a stock broker, who did take the time to be an expert, which is why you would be going to him. Food on the other hand, is something you do. Nobody else is going to eat for you, so you need to become an expert - if you don't, yes - you are being lazy. Now if you were trading your own stocks, but weren't doing any research... that's lazy too.

Is it really that hard of a concept to accept? I'm sure you guys understand it, but it seems like you are all in denial or something.

regarding the person who had to walk 4 miles to get to the grocery store, or take a bus, etc. It might help to make friends with some people with cars, and just give them some extra money instead of paying for taxis and buses in the future. I lived in New Orleans for a while too, and they had some amazing deals on food, especially crawfish. I never went to the public supermarkets except for very quick trips.

[edit on 2-12-2007 by scientist]

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Many spaghetti sauces are actually very good. Low fat, low sodium, etc. and most of containers I've seen are very easy to read.
Veggies and fruits are not devoid of nutrition. This is just an incorrect statement.
Bread-breads are just fine for the most part. There are only a few breads on the market that are higher in fat.
Soup-There are many good soups on the market and they're easy to find.

They're all bad for you if you buy them from big grocery chains

This is simply a false statement. If you think I'm wrong, all you need to do is look at the nutrition labels on the back of the packages and you'll know I'm right.
Thanks for you post.

See, this is what I mean when I say "healthy" is relative and means different things to different people. You clearly do not have a background in nutrition, and I'm sure you believe what you say to be true.

Fruits and veggies are void of their nutrition due to the farming techniques used, not to mention the dangers of GMO crops. Look it up. This is another reason eating organic is so much better, because organic and proper soil and growing techniques preserve the nutrition in the soil thus passing that on to the fruit/veg that's grown there. Improper soil, rotation, growing rapes the soil from it's nutrients, thus producing inferior products.

Most bread in the grocery stores contain Corn Syrup. This alone makes your statement false because nothing with Corn Syrup is good for you in any way. See, relative. Furthermore, the wheat refinement process strips the wheat from the good things in it, which is why they have "Enriched" breads... they put back in, all the good things they took out during the refinement process. Just like with Milk. The ONLY breads that are "good" for you are whole grain breads.... not wheat, whole grain.

What soups on the market do you consider good?

Most people who understand true healthy eating do not consult the nutrition information because we understand that those things don't make any difference.

You're welcome.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 07:17 PM
So . . . what do y'all think of bread machines?

I have one and don't use it as much as I should, but with the difficulty in obtaining fresh bread - even with the additives - I'm about to go back to it.

Really strange part about getting fresh bread is, it was the same in Central California and here in N/W Arizona.
No matter the day, getting fresh bread was the luck of the draw.
More than a few times the day old bread store had fresher bread than any of the major and smaller markets here in town.

Good healthy bread machine recipes abound and they're easy to do.

Folks who come over for dinner always like the fresh breads I bake.
Maybe it's the good smells in the house when doing winter stews or outside with the BBQ going, but I note that a full loaf of freshly baked bread disappears at dinner with only 2-3 couples.

Pretty economical as well.
About 1/4 - 1/3 the price of market bread....

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 07:12 AM
I've thought this was the case for a long time and in many ways, it does seem to be a realistic assessment of the situation particularly when fresh fruit and vegetables are concerned.

Organic food is really expensive, some of it getting to six times the cost of 'normal' food where I live. When you check the pricing of some of that normal' food in the first place, the costs become staggering. Strangely however, some of the food is exactly the same cost as normal food, which really makes me question why the rest of it costs so much.

It's a real shame and whether it is a conspiracy or not is beyond me. I do wish things would change in this respect though, I'd love to eat more organic food.

[edit on 5/12/07 by Duality]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 07:14 AM
Healty eating is NOT for the rich. But for the people who like to cook and have time to cook at their home, perhaps the retired folk. the other day I ate an orange and it cost me nothing. that was healthy.

You can eat healthy eating vegetables everyday and that's not too much money.

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Healthy eating can be accomplished through $$$$$, hard work, or willpower. Yes, having money would be the easiest way, but certainly not the ONLY way, and not even the best. Try shopping around for healthy, fresh, natural ingredients, or better yet growing them yourself. Even more important is putting in the effort to prepare your own meals. Even barring hard work, you can eat healthy so long as you disregard taste and palate. Many cheap, healthy options are available with minimal prep, i.e. brown rice, peanuts, some produce.

I agree that corporations tend to greedily feed American tastes for the unhealthy - McDonald's being a prime example. However, even McDonald's has some limited healthy options. The government subsidies are uneven for sure. However, without this imbalance it would be hard for many people to afford meat on a regular basis entirely. It is much more expensive to produce a serving of steak than a serving of all but gourmet produce. And while fatty meat in excess is unhealthy, no meat can lead to serious health concerns as well. In fact, lean meats, poultry and fish are extremely healthy compared to most of the junk we eat.

So why does it cost so much to eat healthy?
1) Volume - There is a HUGE market for any food with corn syrup and white flour, but little demand in comparison for hearty fresh vegetables.
2) Shelf LIfe - Most junk food can last for ages, while produce often less than a week.
3) Variety - A healthy diet requires protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, good fats,etc while keeping calories low. This means a variety of foods and specific foods. An unhealthy diet includes ALL FOODS.
4) Taste - Corn syrup, white flour, fat, salt taste really good to most people and happen to be abundant and easy to produce - therefore cheap. However, they should all be minimized in your diet because they just happen to be bad for you. In fact, there is a general inverse relation between how healthy something is and how good it tastes. This can often be overcome by high quality preparation and/or refining of the palate.

So it's not just about $$$$, but that most people really don't WANT to eat healthy food. The immediate taste is paramount,. A person who eats healthy will however dislike junk food for their palate has been refined and they can feel the negative impact on their body. We're losing our healthy to apathy and ignorance more than socio-economic imbalance. We have more foods at cheaper prices available to us than any time before and yet as a country, we are cooking less and less and eating junk more and more.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by urbal
Originally posted by jfj123
See, this is what I mean when I say "healthy" is relative and means different things to different people. You clearly do not have a background in nutrition, and I'm sure you believe what you say to be true.

Yes clearly
Oh I forgot to mention I have a degree in exercise physiology with a major in nutrition. So yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

Fruits and veggies are void of their nutrition due to the farming techniques used, not to mention the dangers of GMO crops. Look it up.

Yet another false statement.

This is another reason eating organic is so much better, because organic and proper soil and growing techniques preserve the nutrition in the soil thus passing that on to the fruit/veg that's grown there. Improper soil, rotation, growing rapes the soil from it's nutrients, thus producing inferior products.

In some cases, with some foods, organic foods may be of a higher overall quality.
Keep in mind though that just because something says "organic" doesn't automatically mean it's a good product. If you think I'm wrong, try eating cow feces as it is ORGANIC.

Most bread in the grocery stores contain Corn Syrup. This alone makes your statement false because nothing with Corn Syrup is good for you in any way. See, relative. Furthermore, the wheat refinement process strips the wheat from the good things in it, which is why they have "Enriched" breads... they put back in, all the good things they took out during the refinement process. Just like with Milk. The ONLY breads that are "good" for you are whole grain breads.... not wheat, whole grain.

So since enriched breads, "put back in" what processing takes out (in some cases), you lost your own argument with your own statement.

What soups on the market do you consider good?

There are healthy replacement soups that clearly state what they are. The FDA regulates what is put on food labels so if they are lying, they will get busted.

Most people who understand true healthy eating do not consult the nutrition information because we understand that those things don't make any difference.

Thus proving you know nothing about real nutrition.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by jfj123]

[edit on 9-12-2007 by jfj123]


posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:30 AM
That last statement was really, really funny.

That's like saying, "I don't bother looking anything up in the dictionary because it's all a bunch of lies."

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Welcome to the world of food run by the Industrial-Agriculture-Complex.

Food in this country use to be real food, that is until we allowed corporations to take over the production, processing, and distribution of our food supply.

Farming use to be one of the largest fields of employment in this country. In fact family farmers were often some of the wealthiest members of their community. Now corporations have so taken over the fields that farming is not even listed on the US census as a form of employment.

If you want affordable healthy food check out the Community Supported Agriculture movement (CSA)

Check out these links.

CSA wiki definition

LocalHArvest CSA Farm Finder

I only eat organic, and the majority of what I eat is produced by farmers I know who live near me. I avoid processed foods like the plague, hydrogenated corn syrup = death

I am all about creating "local food webs"! Don't buy into a system that does not care about you beyond your wallet.

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