posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Seems plausable. I lived in an abandone mining town in the sierra nevadas of california for 25 years. I encountered uneplainable creatures on
several occaisons which exibited and amont of intelegence. They were long haird ran on all fours, but were often seen standing upright, I believe that
is it most likely these creatures are in the primate family. they had small forward positioned ears like a cat. the head was round and had a
distinctively protruding lower jaw, with visible teeth. when standing upright the creatures were about 5 feet to 6 feet tall and lean... I have seen
them jump from the upright position and cover incredible distances. all of the sightings occurd within a 5 mile radius of the River and Mining
complex. I do believe that these things could have been called a chupa cabra though it is hard to get any long look at them, and it seems that they
prefer an area of heavely wooded land with thick chaparel close to the water and littered with untold numbers of mineshafts..