posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:15 PM
I just started to put the handwritten pages 10,11 and 12 into legible form:
(Handwritten pg1)
Technical Intelligence Dir. July 12, 1949
Air Material Com. Hdqtrs
Dayton, Ohio.
At the risk of being ridiculed, I have finally decided to inform you of
that which my sister and I saw about 8pm July 24, 1948.
First let me say that I am a school teacher in this, my home town where
I have lived most of my fifty-nine years. Practically everyone in Rayne knows
Me and my sister, Catharine Hunter, retired teacher. I refer you to Missrs Paul Themeaur (?), and Paul Breant (?) of Rayne State Bank.
Although my sister’s vision is very poor now, it was not so bad at the time of which I write. That evening she and I were seated on our East porch
from which we often watch the airplanes traveling East or West.
(Handwritten pg2)
There are two parallel routes, the most northerly being a little north of our house.
It was on this northerly route that we heard and saw coming swiftly from the East, a large cubicle, box-like thing without wings. We had a
good view of its two rows of windows, four above and four beneath, lit by a deep red glow.
Of course, we saw only the south side of the object. I ran through the house to a door opening on the west, and saw it disappear in the distance as it
continued its westerly course. There was a flare or tail of light streaming out behind it.
A peculiar thing was that the irregularity of form and windows, i.e. no right ( ? )
But outlined as a child might draw them. We did not observe its nose construction. I cannot say whether it was very close to the ground or of
immense size, but I do know that the size of a single window appeared larger than the planes that cross high above by night.
It seemed to run more smoothly than an airplane, practically purred.
(handwritten pg3)
On the following morning we heard over the radio about the experience of Pilots Chiles and Whitted. Their description tallied with ours with one
exception. They saw the windows lit by a “white light”, whereas we saw them red.
I read Sidney Shalitt’s article about “Flying Saucers” in Saturday Evening Post of May 7, 1949.
My reason for writing you is because this flying object was not coming southwest of Montgomery Alabama at 2.45am and passed over Rayne, Louisiana at
approximately 8pm of the same day. Discounting the fact that there might have been two of them, where was it during that intervening course. Might it
not have a hide out somewhere along the route and travel only at night?
Sincerely yours,