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UFO Hits Mig Jet Fighter Over Romania, (Video) ?

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Well don´t attack me for this, it could be a meteorite (?)

October 30th, In Romania, a MIG 21 Lancer was hit by an "Unidentified Flying Object". The Romanian Military went on national TV to report that at an altitude of 6300meters/ 3.91464 Miles and at a speed of 800 km/h - 500mph - their airplane was hit by an object which was later ruled out to be a bird due to the fact that at this altitude it is highly unlikely that a bird would cause such damage to a military plane.

The aircraft security and onboard instruments including a camera, captured 4 Unidentified Flying Objects which could not be made out on video due to the speed and due to the impact. The Pilot announced that he and 1 other airplane was doing a routine exercise 6km away from Gherla, Romania when this object along with 4 others, (only one hit the plane) came from under the clouds and hit his airplane. He then, due to the impact and from the video you will see, was forced to aboard mission and land immediately due to his wing and cabin damage.

Video (i don´t see a thing)


Hbccufo article, in english:

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Orion437

Fascinating case, but not speaking any Romanian, I can't determine if there is any other evidence besides the damage to the aircraft, which could be a glancing blow from a meteor.

Much of the flight video appears to be stock footage.

[edit on 16-11-2007 by disownedsky]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Yes you are right, all the info is in rumanian except from the hbcufo one.

Will try to find more about it.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 07:58 PM
That woman at the beginning needs to be fired for speaking that fast.
The whole time they basically kept repeating that he was hit with something they couldnt identify and it basically broke the glass and what not... nothing really interesting here without a video of the object striking the plane.
Each of the people said it was something unidentifiable.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:59 PM
Too bad i can´t find anything more.

Maybe somebody else has more luck.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:03 PM
Fantastic story if its true, i didnt know planes that old where still in use? im gonna do some researched about this ill post if i find something.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by azzllin
Fantastic story if its true, i didnt know planes that old where still in use? im gonna do some researched about this ill post if i find something.

lol Have you not heard of eastern Europe? hehe

I think the article might be old as I believe Romania scrapped or should I say left herded and un-guarded in the hundreds on deserted runways (if it wasn't Mig 21 it was probably Mig 17....hundreds of them).

I look forward to your research.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:57 PM
the MiG-21 is the AK-47 of aircraft, the MiG-21 Lancer is a more recent update which includes new avionics, I believe it's indigenous.

Interesting story, it was only a matter of time till more aircraft would have a collision with these things.

I wonder if they will test the scrapes for trace, just imagine the material that was left.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by azzllin
Fantastic story if its true, i didnt know planes that old where still in use? im gonna do some researched about this ill post if i find something.

Hope you find more info.

Maybe some more material in english.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
the MiG-21 is the AK-47 of aircraft, the MiG-21 Lancer is a more recent update which includes new avionics, I believe it's indigenous.

Interesting story, it was only a matter of time till more aircraft would have a collision with these things.

I wonder if they will test the scrapes for trace, just imagine the material that was left.

The upgrade was a cooperation between Romania and Israel, regarding new radar & equipment, weapons, helmet mounted display, ....

There are 3 variants: Lancer-A - single seat for air to ground
Lancer-B - two seat for air to ground
Lancer-C - single seat for air to air, with Elta EL/M-2032 radar (range 150 km)

edit on 4-6-2011 by kondor because: correction

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