posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 10:49 AM
The only aspect about the "Global Warming" debate that tires me are the endless debates about "who caused Global Warming".
The point that I am making here is that finger-pointing is, well, pointless.
Instead of laying blame on the US or industrial nations for all the negative effects of Global Warming, we should be looking for ways to either
prevent global warming or to deal with the effects of this potential global disaster.
For example, we should be working towards finding alternative energy systems that would help eliminate harmful pollutants in the atmosphere.
We should be looking at policies that would deal with the predicted rise in sea levels.
We should be concentrating our efforts in coping with predicted crop failures and changes in agriculture and farming that climate change will bring
Laying blame on one nation or another is counter-productive. What is necessary is to begin to address the problems that global climate change will