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The Global Conspiracy of MAJESTYTWELVE

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posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:25 PM
Look syrinx, if your looking for a fight, this is the wrong place. Move along, or post something useful.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Debunkers, debunkers,

throwing out the clunkers

Keeping it tight, keeping it right.

I hope your heart is in the right place,

Or dreams tonight will fill with fright.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:35 PM
There's a page within the MJ12 site that claims, "document authentication" which has some interesting reads throughout:

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by stompk

I'm not looking for a fight, I just looked into the ideas on my own, instead of believing the first thing I read on the internet

The first thing I learned in the conspiracy world is to question everything and try to find corroborating evidence to any claim, regardless of the source, and to look for direct quotes associated to specific people.

If my style was combative, my apologies.

I think it's a good thing to have disagreements, especially if it is the truth we are after

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:51 PM
How about posting a site that disproves my theory if your against it. Are you against it.

Look, make up your own mind. I don't have anything to prove. I own my own bread, own my own company, and have paid a lifetime of taxes. I served in Desert Storm, and believe in the Constitution

How, have I offended you sirs?

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by stompk

why do you assume someone who disagrees with you is looking for a fight or has a problem with you or is offended ?

I simply asked if it was true that cooper said the documents regarding ET's that he saw were fakes, as I haven't read the book. I don't need a link for that

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by stompk
The report also claims the Moon landing was faked. He goes into great detail and scientific fact. The thing that really stood out at me was this

NASA claims that the space suits worn by the astronauts were pressurized at 5 psi over the ambient pressure (0 psi vacuum) on the moon's surface. We have examined the gloves NASA claims the astronauts wore and find they are made of pliable material containing no mechanical, hydraulic, or electrical devices which would aid the astronauts in the dexterous use of their fingers and hands while wearing the gloves. Experiments prove absolutely that such gloves are impossible to use and that the wearer cannot bend the wrist or fingers to do any dexterous work whatsoever when filled with 5 psi over ambient pressure either in a vacuum or in the earth's atmosphere. NASA actually showed film and television footage of astronauts using their hands and fingers normally during their EVAs on the so-called lunar surface. The films show clearly that there is no pressure whatsoever within the gloves... a condition that would have caused explosive decompression of the astronauts resulting in almost immediate death if they had really been surrounded by the vacuum of space.


C. Fred Kleinknect, head of NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program, is now the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. It was his reward for pulling it off. All of the first astronauts were Freemasons. There is a photograph in the House of the Temple in Washington DC of Neil Armstrong on the moons surface (supposedly) in his spacesuit holding his Masonic Apron in front of his groin.

[edit on 16-11-2007 by stompk]

Most likely many Astronauts were Masons (if this is true) because they were amazing people, not because they were part of some huge conspiracy. Most would consider it a great honor to even be asked to join such a Society. I'm not shooting down your thread, just pointing out a logical alternative.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by stompk

Don't make a thread if all you want is people that agree with you. Not everyone is going to agree with you. That's the point of a discussion forum.

Syrinx asked you a question, and you get defensive. I'm sure if you answered that question, a proper discussion would follow, or Syrinx would leave the thread. It's that simple.

So how about this: since this thread has kinda been derailed (I apologize for my part in it), why don't you post your full opinion on the topic at hand so we can better understand what you think, rather than quoting outside sources. It's good to back up your claims with outside sources, but actually make your claims first. You've done it here and there so far, but nothing real concrete and complete. You've been too busy attacking others.

So, post your opinion on the subject and quit assuming people are looking for a fight, and then the discussion can get back on track.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 11:02 PM
How about we get along and get back to the topic, Theagent19 and I seem more then eager for debate... I post some links, anyone have a look at any of those? Ignored, so far, sheesh, tisk...

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by anhinga

Read through your link. Seems to be the usual known MJ-12 UFO stuff. Some interesting CIA comments though.


posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 02:03 AM
I found the statement about Star Trek interesting.

Watch "Startrek" from the beginning episodes up to the present, and you will begin to realize that it was an indoctrination into the concepts of socialism through subliminal initiation of the youth of the nation. The Captains James T. Kirk (JTK = KTJ) and Christopher Pike are symbolic salutes to the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem, and to the Brotherhoods greatest philosopher and probably its most prolific writer the "Christed" Albert Pike. The Enterprise represents their "great work".

"As nearly as I can concentrate on the question today, I believe I am God; certainly you are, I think we intelligent beings on this planet are all a piece of God, are becoming God." Gene Roddenberry in "Star Trek Creator" by David Alexander, Roc, an imprint of Dutton Signet a division of Penguin Books New York, page 568, par 1

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:23 PM
So aliens exist? They dont exist? Whats the story here? I beleive william cooper, i beleive anyone who speaks out about something they have experienced which has at one point been deemed "classified" or "top secret" because they usually are murdered or expire suddenly. Basically what im saying is that we can probably weed out the dis informers from the truth because they are still alive and people like william cooper who probably gave a lot of headaces and heartburn to many people in high places, considering the sensitivity of the topic he was always discussing, are snuffed out because of this.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by stompk
Just in case you didn't read the report.

MAJESTYTWELVE stated that terrorism would continue until the American People consented to be completely and thoroughly disarmed. The document stated that the second major target would be, "somewhere in the heartland such as Oklahoma City". The actual target was not named. Since the document was not specific as to the actual target and its location I did not predict Oklahoma City... but my prediction of continued terrorist attacks including major attacks upon the "heartland" of America was accurate

I just saw a guy on Fox News from Kroll Security explain how a dirty bomb in a stadium would probably be the terrorists next move.

[edit on 16-11-2007 by stompk]

This sort of comment cracks me up. Just how in the hell is this guy or anyone else for that matter other than the terrorist themselves going to know what their next move will "probably" be? These so called experts just throw crap out there and cause people to buy into the eternal doom and gloom scenario that is being played out in todays news.

Stop listening to these endless made up scenario's being pushed in the media everyday.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:21 AM

Stop listening to these endless made up scenario's being pushed in the media everyday.

Quit coming on to ATS and diving into all these conspiracy theories.

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