posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 05:44 AM
Most people know of 3am, and the significance of waking up at that exact hour...This is my story of what happened to me last night...
I woke up real thirsty, and kind of creeped out, i checked my clock...3 AM exactly,,,as i want to get out of bed i hear these very loud footsteps
outside by my sliding door, but the footsteps were akward, like really fast and loud,,,almost like a "small" but very heavy thing running past...
i freak out a bit and wonder what the hell, i dont get out of bed yet cause im wondering what the hell that was,,,i keep real quiet and wait to see if
i hear it again, about 10 minutes later i hear what sounds like a bit of shuffling and then the same footsteps come running past im
really freaked out cause i can hear that these footsteps cant be made my a person, because of the way they sound...
I get up and look outside though the curtains, and see nothing,,i wake up my girlfriend and ask her if she heard that, she says no, i told her what i
heard,,,and asked her if the dogs could be out of the house,,she says no they are inside fo rsure cause everything is locked
( they always sleep inside )
As we both fall asleep we both here it again,,,now she is also freaked out, she tells me that the room feels really weird....
i fall asleep, and this is what she says she saw while i was asleep
this is our msn conversation right now
Seth says:
is interesting
Nicci says:
just thought about it
Nicci says:
had it very badly this morning
Seth says:
u sees anything ?
Nicci says:
at one point something was literally grabbling my face and I was trying to scream, and kept trying to reach out and touch you
Nicci says:
kept happening
Nicci says:
had a really bad night
Nicci says:
and then when it stopped i tried to get near you and you just pushed me away,har har
Nicci says:
just thought "well, this is gonna be great"
Seth says:
so what i see is real then, if i concentrate hard enuff at nigth sumtimes i can see the shapes around me, and i can see it grabbing at me and shouting
and screaming at me,,,,sometimes i see somethign else trying to stop it from attacking me too
Nicci says:
never really doubted it as "real"
Seth says:
then it attacks whatever that is
Seth says:
and i is sowwy i pushed yous away
Nicci says:
but last night was the first time I actually felt hands, fingers
Nicci says:
like physical contact
Seth says:
Seth says:
well sumthin weird was def goin on las nite
Seth says:
is weird that a woke up at exactly 3am
Nicci says:
its weird, from from the moment you woke me up, the whole place felt different, it wasn't the same in there
Seth says:
i know i had tears in my eys and was freaking out
Nicci says:
i had no fear of anything outside, but I saw a huge dark mass right above your head while you were sleeping
Nicci says:
after that i couldn't even try and sleep
Nicci says:
next thing i know I wake up to something that sounds like a huge bang next to me and then thats when that thing started happening
Nicci says:
I've never heard it, or felt it
Nicci says:
just felt paralized and abit "sat on"
Nicci says:
this is the first time i "saw" something, and had anything touch me, and "speak"
Nicci says:
i was moving though, i was starining really hard to touch yu or scream but I was pulled back completely
Nicci says:
and this time, there was no 'waking up"
Nicci says:
it just stopped
Anyone have anythign to say about this ??