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New (mid-summer '07) doc on Billy Meier filmed in the 70's, but very convincing.

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posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:35 AM
I need someone to let me know first off if this has been talked about or seen.

I just came across a recently posted documentary which was, as you see it, was filmed in the 70's. This video I found to be very convincing. Lee Elders, his wife and a few other UFO researchers look at his case with an unbias opinion. They cover all the bases from analysis to intense stress tests on Mr. Meier. I know there are alot of skeptics out there as i am from time to time, but this information put forward is hard to shake.

Some call Meier a cult leader, but so is every group who gather to worship a form of spirituality, so i think that is out. Unless you don't call christianity, judaism, islam, etc.

All i'm looking for is others opinion on the video and topic. you can see the video on the link. It is a documentary with 10 10.00min parts.

enjoy: Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (1of10)

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:38 AM
i am sorry, but this bill guy is just full of $@@%

his story has been debunked many times, his ufo experiences and the time travel thing.

if u dont beleive me, go to and search for urself.

[-Nice avatar u have there.! best movie ever.-]

[edit on 14-11-2007 by Drzava]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:24 AM
thanks about the avatar and you feed back. I have had bothside with opinions, but the photo analtsis of his images and the sound analysis as well as video all seem to be backed up by repretable scientists. I think on the otherhand they need to hand this information over to another group for scrutinization to see if they come up with the same conclustions....Have had the chave to see the documentary(as old as it might be)? The testing technology is way out dated in out standards in this era of time. But some times math is math and it can't ALWAYS be perfect but dam close.

You will find debunkers all over the world. Some are paid very hansomly and other just was to jump on the bandwaggon for the own publicity. It seems like it will always be a topic that will run around in cicles until they (EBE/UFO/Humanoids from the future land on the Whitehouse lawn i guess).

[edit on 14-11-2007 by fishmaster]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:33 AM
i agree with u but, this bill guy, have u seen the time travel pictures?

also remeber this was from the 70's, not only technology was not the same, but people were also different.

check the manson family, u will see how crazy and easy manipulative people were back then.

some debukers are good, but the paid debunkers are a cancer.
debunkers helps the field, but the paid ones are just, ahghg.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.

With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.

After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from TotalResearch, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.

Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenitcated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.

Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.

Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.[

Of coarse there are skeptics out there, but his photos have been considered authentic by a variety of well know scientists and investigator. Obviously it will always be up in the air for the truth until they (Pleidians) make a more dramatic appearance. What we don't realize is that they look like you and I and if we walked past one we would think they are earth humans.

[edit on 14-11-2007 by fishmaster]

[edit on 14-11-2007 by Crakeur]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Ya those pics he took while on the craft look a little out of this world, no pun intended. Especially the ones of the dinosaurs. The Mars, Venus and Jupiter shots taken in the 70's which show satalites and potential spacestations orbiting them, especially Mars seem convincing. Also i'm sure that NASA has been performing other missions behind closed doors which gives the option of anything to be happening. The NASA facility has so many funds available to them that they have to spend it all in order to get more and more money. I think what they are showing on tv withe the shuttle launches and spacestation(white elephant) is just to appease the masses. They would never let us really know what kind of technology they poses(free energy), which inturn would open further and faster space travel.

It is a little hard to follow Billy now because he has become a recluse and i think due to all the people showing up to his farm over the years would drive anyone a little crazy.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:01 AM
i dont care what u beleive man,[not negative, i know it sounds negative, but is not]

just watch out, remeber heavens gate?

also, do u realize we are the only two members posting on this thread.
where is everybody?

[edit on 14-11-2007 by Drzava]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:19 AM
Oh i sure do remember about heavens gate. I don't need to be beamed upto a ship when i die. Just pass into a spiritual light which inturn i will be reincanated back onto and only onto earth as my spirit evolves one more step. I'll leave my death to a natural one. I just think with the vastness of our own galaxy and other star systems there has to be many more advanced groups which are humanoid in nature. All they want to do is observe and take nothing from us. The information they would like to pass on can only really be done through individuals and not the mases due to the chaos it would create. I like everyone else on this forum can only wait.

The Pleidians are requesting us to rise spiritually through evolution, rather that continue waring. They (Pleidians) were in the same boat as us. The on the otherhand are about 3500yrs more advanced and its not all technology. It all has to do with the spirit and understanding the cause and effect on Earth through human intervention.

I could go on forever on this one.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:28 AM
There has been NO proof whatsoever presented that scientifically invalidates the original Meiers films. It is a FACT that the one armed Meiers could not have, and did not, stage huge props in the Swiss mountains and he did nOT have access to the labs needed to trick film. He had his film developed locally and the film was examined for many years and found to be real.

What has happened since then is another matter: There have no doubt been disinfo people around trying to ruin Billy's life and trying to make it all seem a lie: but I believe totally that Billy DID take the original pics and that they are legitimate for sure.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:55 AM
I believe the Billy Meier case to be true. I know Britt and Lee Elders and have talked to them extensively about the Meiers case, I haven't seen the Underground Video debunking job for many years but as I remember it was unconvincing.

The Billy Meier case represented an immediate threat the the U.S. Government and their secret space efforts so, in my opinion they covertly attacked the Meiers case, as they did George Adamski, Howard Menger and others who claimed contact with extraterrestrials.

In the recently released book "Dark Mission" (Copyright 2007 Richatd C. Hoagland and Mike Bara) the authors detail Michael Malins admission that that he could not find any reason to believe the photos had been faked. (Can anybody tell me where Bob Nathan went? I can't even find a referecne to him inWikipedia.)

And in my opinion the photos were not faked.

There are many at ATS who believe the Billy Meier case was a fraud. They are welcome to their opinion but I would suggest that any evaluation of the Billy Meier case today is not using first generation photos or information.

There is a person who calls himself a representative of the Meier Organization, This person, although well-meaning, is less than effective in getting the Meier case to the public. He was on ATS for a while.

The U.S. Government has done a very effective job of controlling the Meier information. Just as they have done a very effetive job on hiding their own space endeavors.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Thankyou for the support. I also have looked into the scientific finding which, as you stated, could not and were not faked. It would be extremely difficult for a one armed man to alter film, with splicing images and superimposing them especially back in those days. It wasn't the digital era. Things would have been far too time concuming with the vast amout of video and images taken by this man. I don't think he is in anyway a cult leader. Just a man who has had some amazing experieces throughout his life and now wants to share his knowledge with everyone else about was he was taught. Where is the harm in that. He asks for no money, but the people who were looked at as an experiment by the Pleidians surrounding themselves with Meier turned out to be the money hungry people the rest of the world is and REALLY need to get out of in order to fullfill the higher spiritual conciousness to enable out race to evolve to the 7 (ring) or level of creation. They say the answer is right in front of us with the elements of the earth. If we can come to this realization were could possibly aquire this technology at a rapid pace of 300 years. But we all know we will destroy our planet before this ever happens. More power to the Pleidian case. I'll be there in a heart beat.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 11:06 AM
There is nothing wrong with single engine Tesla terrestrial air craft.

Its the triangles you got to look out for.

I'm not familiar with the case but that place looks good for hiding
saucer ships. Switzerland no less, home of some Banking Gangsters
and their electric play toys perhaps.

Any one taking a ride would be compared to the Walton case which
is considered true as he recuperated in the base infirmary.
When he went exploring the under ground base he was immediately
brought back to his room but not before the crew donned wigs and

So it may all sound perfectly natural.

ED: OK they had the three outer motors like the triangles, if that don't
beat all, its the same design all these years.
Gad, whats ET about a human woman pilot.. The one that flu out Hitler
from Berlin? The story she fed him, some programming effort, guess it
works on some people.

[edit on 11/14/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 11/14/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 11/14/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 11/14/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 11:42 AM
I would encourage you to contact the professionals quoted as to their *actual* statements and opinions on the Meier case. Every one I've contacted has said they're statements were taken out of context to the Meier advantage. Robert Post, one who's quoted as supporting the photo analysis, stated that he never saw photos, nor negatives, only prints...and that he thought he might be dealing with a con-man.

Ken Dinwiddie of DeAnza Corporation, has stated in print that they were asked to alter photos to make them look more real.

As far as something you can read about the "photo analyst" Dilettoso (the author of the report) check this: click here

I've gone over this case time after time here, and dont care to really get into it again. I duplicated the photos using a small model, and challenged the "representative" of the case to submit Meier's and mine to a 3rd party lab to test for fakery.

He has yet to do so, for going on 2 years. No excuse for why has been off the table, including massive personal attacks on me and several others (hell, *any* others) who dont support Meier's case. To challenge this "case" and it's "evidence" it to incur the wrath of supporters...which as I've said I wear as a badge of honor more then anything else.

I would encourage you to look deeper and do the due diligence of contacting named people yourself (ones outside the Elders, Stevens and Dilettoso - who are the main proponents, and produced/wrote the videos/books for being the operative word.)

Just be warned, the Meierites are highly venomous, and will abuse you for speaking out about their "prophet".

Anyway, thats all I have to say about it (i.e. no more replies forthcoming). Good luck to you.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by fishmaster
I also have looked into the scientific finding which, as you stated, could not and were not faked. It would be extremely difficult for a one armed man to alter film, with splicing images and superimposing them especially back in those days.

Raygun Thread

*Sigh* Billy Meier (The Prophet) (lol), please check the above thread for more examples of his fakery. Particularly funny are the broken off pieces of his Christmas ornament encrusted trashcan lid ufo. Also, the dinosaur pictures taken from a book/painting, or the images taken from TV claiming they are the aliens, the horrendous shots of the model car, oh and lets not forget the hilarious plastic tipped child's toy raygun covered in foil.

It's people like this that ensure this subject is almost never taken seriously outside of ufology circles.

Saying a one-armed man couldn't possibly do such things is an insult to every one-armed man in the world.

Who can truly say he did anything alone anyhow? Even his ex-wife has come out to say he's a fraud. Check out the video at the bottom of this post for an interview with her.

I don't think he is in anyway a cult leader.

FIGU Website

A self proclaimed prophet, who can predict (unverified of course) all types of future events, who has traveled in time and in UFO's, who offers "spiritual" teachings to it's MEMBERS

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:09 PM
Billy's story is the best. The pics/sound/metal, its all just fasinating

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:26 PM
Anyway, it's a series...

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (1of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (2of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (3of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (4of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (5of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (6of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (7of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (8of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (9of10)

Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier (10)

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:51 PM
OK everybody. Let me make this perfectly clear: I have a ray gun and I intend to use it. Anymore bad mouthing or attempts to discredit Billy Meier and I can assure you that you will not have John Lear to kick around anymore. Capice?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:20 PM
Sounds like a plan, John. I hereby proclaim Billy Meier to be a fraud, his pictures fake, and his cult a sham. I declare his wedding cake UFO to be made of a grain can lid, his beamships to be supported by strings and trees, and his ray gun to be made from parts available on e-Bay. I also proclaim that his dinosaur picture claiming time travel is taken from a larger contemporary painting (shown and proven many times), his alien is a screen shot from a television set. Much of this has been analyzed before. An example is here.

Now it is time for you to hold up your end of the bargain.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Sounds like a plan, John. I hereby proclaim Billy Meier to be a fraud, his pictures fake, and his cult a sham. I declare his wedding cake UFO to be made of a grain can lid, his beamships to be supported by strings and trees, and his ray gun to be made from parts available on e-Bay. I also proclaim that his dinosaur picture claiming time travel is taken from a larger contemporary painting (shown and proven many times), his alien is a screen shot from a television set. Much of this has been analyzed before. An example is here.

Now it is time for you to hold up your end of the bargain.

Just so I can re-inforce the promise.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by MrPenny

I have to second (or is it "third"?) that one!

John and I have agreed to disagree on the Meier "stuff", agreeably of course.

I am thrilled to see that Schuyler, MrPenny and myself have found something we agree on 100%.


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