posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:46 AM
Well maybe chaos is just what we need in order to wake up from our deep slumber. We are so depended on oil, other people doing our jobs for us,
politicians, money, and greed that we never stopped to think about the long run. Sure there is some good in some of these traits, like oil and
outsourcing but there is also things in those traits that contribute a negative effect to our society.
If someone offered a person 10 million dollars for something that has a potential of hurting people, that same person would not think of the long run.
Sure he gets money out of this deal and that is what most people care about. Money brings greed, after we get a little taste of what money can, offer
most people do not think of or even care about the consequences.
I say bring the chaos on in hopes of a new world where we actually learn from our mistakes, and if we don't learn then the same chaos will come back
to haunt us again.