posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 11:05 AM
[I think the upper echelon of K-1 is just more skilled than some of the jock # you see on SPIKE or anything of the sort.
the only reaon i could maybe see this is cause on spike you really don't get to see the best..the ultimate fighter is a great show if you know the
the fight nights and that, that they put on for free on spike, they are getting better but they just started that. they're trying to give us free
now if you want to pit the upper echelon of K-1 against the uppers of mma, you really, HONESTLY think they would have a chance.?
honestly now...
seeing how the k-1 guys have faired in the past. i mean, cro cop was supposed the be the hugest thing around and fedor had a broken thumb and had him
running around the ring.
fedor tapped hunt, beat cro cop via decision, tko over tk, tapped valavisious, decision over semmy..
cro cop has some nice wins, but, kongo beat him down for 3 rounds to the decision, gonzaga knocked him out, randleman knocked him out, he went to a
DRAW with silva in a match where he requested(and got) special rules, and he had a good 40 lbs on wand.
all three of mark hunts losses are to mma guys. grapplers.
how bout stephan leko? decent k-1 right.....0-3 in mma..nakamura, minowa, and ogawa all took him out.
again, just talking my favorite sport here. i don't see how anyone can see more skills in a fight that is limited.....