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Can we so easily be persuaded?

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 02:46 AM
Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your day or night.

This is my first post after reading discussions and archives on ATS for about 1 year.
I have seen (on ATS and other associated websites) of seemingly unbelievable phenomena from both pictures, videos and other forms of media. From UFO’s, alien’s, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts, Goat Suckers, mermaids, giant humanoid skeletons, fairies etc and I’m sure you all could state more.

But as we all know whether these images, sounds videos etc are true or not, our ability to create and manipulate technology has far surpassed (in my own belief) our own senses as to whether they are credible or not. What I am trying to say is that we have come a long way from walking in a “gorilla suit” (if that is what it was or not) through a forest and recording it and stating it to be a paranormal phenomena, which from what archives I have watched or read is still being debated today. We have come to a point where we are able to create (if it was created as other people have stated) such things as the Haiti UFO Video and other such well created suspected hoaxes.

I’m sure by now you are saying yes so what are getting at?

Regardless of what “evidence” we get from certain media we will never be able to say, “HA! I told you there were aliens!” unless some E.T comes down, declares itself to a number of nations and is “tested” to be such.

This is the same as any other form of paranormal phenomena or conspiracy.

You can say “What if I have a video or picture or I have a post card with me shaking hands with an E.T.” even if it looks real, is reputed to be credible by specific field professionals. In the end you really still have nothing.

If you say WHY do you think so?
Everyone who has seen a special or an article on paranormal phenomena regardless of what it is has its professional believers or professional critics/ skeptics, or simply a “yes that is something we have no idea of what it is, we are positively sure it’s not a fake but we can’t identify as to what it is (UFO , Bigfoot, Nessie, Ghost etc) or something along its lines.

You may say “ What if our government has confirmed yes that was a UFO that flew past our city in an impossible ZIG-Zag motion hovered above our house for a moment and flew in the direction of said “Military Zone”.


“No don’t worry it was a large cloud of swamp gas or large military sky flares.”

(A hint of sarcasm here people)

Really the evidence in my mind is still not good enough. (Interesting though…)

I have read articles on this website about government conspiracies (mainly American). Really well written (far better then my ability please excuse my grammar and spelling it was never the best) and contained vast quantities of information.

Before giving my opinion I will state that I have had 6 years of education in 2 institutions including behavioral science, psychology, anthropology, sociology, psychotherapy, counseling and communication.

A lot of the conspiracies I have read from individuals of government, aliens, WWIII etc seem to very paranoid and/or state “out this world claims” and/or seem to like the attention regardless if it is positive or negative.

I would also like to say that I am fully aware of the potentiality of government/s and/or associations of conspiracy

So let’s have a look at these options we can choose that I can think of. These may include 1 or 2 or all of the above:-

Their claims may be true.

They may be experiencing some form/s of psychological instability.

They seek to be recognized and believed/ followed (including propaganda) by other individuals or groups..

They want to make money

Personally from most of the claims I have seen I would bet on the latter 2 or 3 as being more believable then such claims as being ruled by alien humanoid reptiles.

Thank you for your time and I welcome any constructive criticism or replies.



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