posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:17 PM
I'm new to the posting side of things here, but have been enjoying your conversations for at least a year. I would like to pose the following
UFO, Aliens and the like, while they do seem real, are simply a deception.
I know it's been posted about aliens being demons or falling angels and what-not. But consider that there is a God in heaven and a Devil who are at
odds with on another. If you, then being one who believes in God, and creation, witness's a UFO. What then will that do to your belief in God?
What if you believe in God as creator, and aliens make contact with (supposed) proof that THEY planted the seeds of life on earth? Would that destroy
your faith in a creator God?
If the enemy of God could steal his people away with a grand deception, it would be a big win for him, would it not?
It's not my intent to start a God - Anti-God war here. Just conversation.