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If 9-11 Was An Inside Job, How long did it take to plan?

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:51 PM
I guess this thread is similar to the thread that talks about how many people would be needed to execute the Inside Job Theory. I'm curious to get thoughts about how long people who believe that 9-11 Was An Inside Job, it took to plan the events of that day.

The reason why I started thinking about this was Donald Rumsfeld press conference the day(s) before the event about the trillion or so dollars that was missing from the Pentagon. The other reason, is that it is pretty common knowledge or believed that a couple of the highjackers trained at US bases. Were these patsies set up, and were.
just waiting for their orders?

Do you think that 9-11 was planned months or years before? Even though I'm not a big fan of the "Coincidence theories", maybe Donald's Rumsfeld press conference just came in the knick of time, or there were whistle blowers ready to go public before the attacks. Keep in mind that the section that was hit at the Pentagon was the accounting side of things, and is believed to be where the investigation into the missing money might have been taking place.

I believe that there might have been multiple scenarios ready to go at any given time once the order was issued. Maybe if it was an inside job, there might have been other events that could have played out depending on the timing and circumstance for needing such an attack.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Vinadetta

The "missing" money was first reported in March of 2000. Before Bush was in office.

the press conference was NOT because of the missing money.


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