posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 10:42 PM
Originally posted by JackBlack
Please read John Lennon's lyrics to his biggest hit Imagine. I trust you'll find that he's talking about what the United Nations, Trilateral
Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, The Illuminati, and the Bilderbergers are all trying to globally establish.
New World Order.
Or what he's saying is that our conflicts are a result of our division into countries, religions, and other categories. If we eliminate these
devisions, we might see each other as just humans, and not a "jew" or a "black" or a "chinese" etc...
Also, about the no possessions... maybe he just understands that possessions are another way of saying money... stuff that is YOURS.. what you own. If
no one owned anything, no one could fight over it and claim anything, even less conflict.
Maybe he understands that united we stand, and divided we fall. So far humanity is divided. Uniting everyone without the separation of countries
doesn't HAVE to be the New World Order, although it probably will be.
The only problem with NWO is that one government is in charge of everything. It's the leaders that are the problem, not the average man.
But in reality... to change something, or force people to unite is just a violation of everyone's free will.
Also, who says there is a problem with this world? What if it is the way it is for a reason? Why would you want to change it?
Does not conflict provide essential lessons for growth and understanding? Eliminating many of our divisions would create both, benefits, and
detriments. Therefore, I'd prefer to not change a thing, and let the world naturally evolve and change, and I get to just watch
[Edited on 30-1-2004 by lilblam]