posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 08:59 AM
COD4 is the future of FPS.
Many people above me have adressed why this is a Modern Warfare game, and what has become of the WWII genre. ANd the comment on the Dersert Combat
Mod was right on, i remember playing that mod so much...
I have always been into Multiplayer games, and COD4 online multtiplyer is the most intense ever... i play with guys that are ridiculesly good, and our
clan has been togerther since the start of Halo 2, and the comunication that we work with makes our team matchs realy intense. So many weapons and
perks to mix...
The one player online multiplayer is no the greatest... 4 player split screen i just a waste of time... Halo 3 is still the party shooter...
The single player part of the game feels like a movie... the game lets you still have some sense of control during some of the cut scences, its great
in that resepct, the game is kinda short, but you will play it over on a harder setting.
Now spoiliers ********
The ending was cool... the last levels were quick, i didn't take the chopper out that was chasing me at the end... but having your team getting
wasted around you as you lay dieing, then get slide the gun and just have a couple shots to take the guy out, its realsic enough, much better then any
boss that for some reason has 100x more health then any other human.
And the bonus level after the game is the coolest thing ever... i i play it all the time on arcade mode, trying to get high scores, i still cant beat
it on the hardest level, but my top score is like 70,000 something. Its so fun.
Some other 'strange' moments were in the 'intro credits' when you roll thru the streets and have the control, of as caaptured Middle easrtern
president, and get a first person meeting with a Desert Eagle... this sence is unmatched when seen in HD, with surround sound, i was at my frineds
house had about a dozen people watching it, they all that it was the most intense game they saw.
Also the part when you go into the city on the assault, and are leaving in the chopper when a Nuke goes off in the city and down you plane, you then
crawl around on the ground for a few agonizing minutes before you compltly die... it was higly intense...****
End Spoilers****
The game has everything, the AC-130 gunship is pure craziness, and if you put it next to a picture of what the real thing looks like, it would be
prety dammed close to the real thing.
It is great, and aftrer you play it, you cant realy go back to halo 3...