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9/11 the new Pearl Harbor

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 02:14 AM
I'm sorry but I think all the speculation on holograms and whatever and what not is purely silly speculation with a large part of going off into left fieldism.
My take on 9/11 is simply this,

1) It was muslim extremists flying airplanes into the buildings.

2) The US government knew it was going to happen and allowed it to happen, much like they allowed Pearl Harbor to happen. Though for less justifiable reasons. And alot of you people are taking a space for a reasonable doubt and going off in some rather WEIRD directions.

Let the flames begin.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:01 AM
I won't flame.

But will you flame if I added
"it could have been possible that the U.S told or held influence on the Muslims to do it."

I'm keeping an open mind.The Hologram theory is perfectly plausible and not technologically beyond any capability.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:57 AM
I also believe that the government let it happen. There were far to many warnings for the government not to know it was going to happen.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by WraothAscendant

1) It was muslim extremists flying airplanes into the buildings.

If they did it then why are most of the muslims they accused still alive.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by zakd619
If they did it then why are most of the muslims they accused still alive.

Oh, better watch bringing that up, a lot of people are going to jump on it saying that its old information.

Even though there is information updated this year.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by amanbuthimself

Thank you.
And in a way America did "push" them to do it. We are ENTIRELY too far up the middle east's butt.

As for the Hologram Theory thing, allow me to remind you of this what type of plans are often the best? Some eloborate monstrosity of a plan like Holograms and etc. or the simple get them mad enough to attack and step back and let them?

Thats right boils and ghouls simple ones are the best. Less chances of this going wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:57 PM

Thats right boils and ghouls simple ones are the best. Less chances of this going wrong.

The only way things could have gone more wrong is if the perpetrators were video taped planning the entire event, and I don't believe it was 19 highjackers (most of which are alive).
If 9/11 was an attack by Islamist extremists one those groups would have happily claimed responsibility for it.Osama didn't, he was simply accused of it.
If the 9/11 attacks were carried out as explained by the U.S. government we wouldn't have so many people questioning it.Actually many people questioned 9/11 way before any report came out.Traffic accidents are handled quicker than 9/11 was.

Holograms are covered in various threads but I'm not clear on the "whatever" or "silly speculation" portion of your post.Please define this area and explain why it's silly.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by citizen truth]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

I could. And you'd just disagree and we go around and around and around, not getting anywhere.
Stating that the hijackers are still alive is all well and good.
But I wouldn't accept that so eh.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by WraothAscendant

I could. And you'd just disagree and we go around and around and around, not getting anywhere.

I've never read any of your posts before today and I'm perplexed at how can assume what I would think or how I would react to any information you put forward.
I didn't assume how you would react and what I posted was my own opinion.It was not an attack on you.
If "eh" is your answer to what I said earlier, it doesn't leave me much to go on.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

I think the reason no one claimed responsibility is what I believe their goal was

they were hoping for a knee jerk over reaction from the US, probably praying for a nuclear response, in hopes of igniting a regional conflict

I think they wanted a caliphate, a regional muslim super power with saudi arabia's oil and pakistans nukes.

I also think that is why they chose saudi martyrs, to drive a wedge between US and SA

To accomplish this, they were hoping for all out war, getting isreal involved, and destabilizing the entire region, and then having OBL declared caliphate by some means, and ousting all of the governments

so if that was the motive, it certainly explains why they wouldn't go on al jazeera and take credit for it, because that would allow the US to strike back in a strategic way, rather than a revenge fueled nuke attack on multiple sovereign govt's

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

One more time.

I don't believe it on the simple fact that it would be far easier for any groups out there to open the door and let someone attack us then to plan out the attack and execute it themselves. You gotta remember this crap has been going on worldwide for a while now and America has been a little too much (to use slang) all up in the Middle East's koolaid.

The simplest plan would seem to be the most effective at not getting caught.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by WraothAscendant

One more time.

One more time?This is the first time that quote has been seen in this thread.Maybe you hit the wrong button.
At least now I can get some perspective on your views and thanks for sharing it.The last sentence rings a bell.Perhaps another thread.I probably replied and didn't see your avatar.I have a smaller monitor and have to scroll side to side.
Try to lighten up a bit, okay?

syrinx high priest: I understand what you're saying and the idea is plausible.I'm a bit worried at the revenge part of the scenario.Bush has already done it in Afghanistan (blaming Osama with no proof) and illegally attacking Iraq (with no proof).Declaring war on a nation(s) without proof is simply wrong no matter how Bush justifies it.
In the past almost every "terrorist" attack,no matter how small has been claimed by one group or another so I find it strange that an attack of this scale would not be celebrated by those who carried it out.......if indeed it was 19 Arabs.
So far Osama is no where to be found in the public eye and he's most likely dead or the U.S. really doesn't want to find him.I'm using the capture of Saddam Hussein as a reference as far as a speedy arrest goes.
I appreciate your time for a clear response,thank you.
I'm not dismissing your rationale and I admit to having very little insight to their way of thinking.

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